Dems Curtail Power of the Super Delegate, Far Left Upstarts Want To Seize Control of the Party From the Establishment – IOTW Report

Dems Curtail Power of the Super Delegate, Far Left Upstarts Want To Seize Control of the Party From the Establishment

Perez is poised to send the democrats to the far left as the establishment is cut off at the knees. The days of party elites choosing the “next in line” are over.


After two years of sometimes ugly public fighting, Democratic Party leaders on Saturday voted to limit their own high-profile roles in choosing presidential nominees, giving even more weight to the outcome of state primaries and caucuses, the AP reports. The debate over the influence of party insiders known as superdelegates was evidence of the fallout from the 2016 fight between eventual nominee Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. His supporters accused the national party of tipping the scales in Clinton’s favor. The change, which affects the hundreds of Democratic National Committee members, elected officials, and party elders who attend presidential conventions as automatic delegates, was seen as a victory for the party chairman, Tom Perez.


10 Comments on Dems Curtail Power of the Super Delegate, Far Left Upstarts Want To Seize Control of the Party From the Establishment

  1. Good! Now if the GOP will split up along Patriot vs Establishment lines we can finally have an actual choice on ballots, maybe even a three party system instead of a shame “two” party system.

  2. This is a total load of crap.
    They are saying the super delegates (SD) will only vote if there is a second ballot. And people are excited about that- they think they have reformed the dnc or something. I’ll tell you right now- I’ll wager money or doughnuts there will absolutely be a second ballot. There are maybe 20+ potential candidates in the dnc as of now. Not one of them will win on the first ballot. They will vote again, and then the SD’s will vote. It is the same old same old, just presented a little differently. Kind of like when they rearrange the cars on a used car lot. Things are pretty damn twisted- people think the democratic party is actually democratic, and now they’re thinking it has even been improved- “more please.” They might be good salesmen, but I ain’t buyin’

  3. @toby miles – “people think the democratic party is actually democratic”

    And people think their vote actually counts. Like the saying goes, if your vote counted, they wouldn’t let you do it.

  4. @toby miles August 26, 2018 at 10:07 am

    Surely, loyal citizen, you swear the Oath of Allegiance™, that in a Free And Open Election™, the sole means of the Peaceful Transition of Power™, The Party is not only capable, but is solely capable, of fixing what ails The Party!

    As Say We All™.


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