SEC Tries To Stop Chicago Ponzi Scheme – IOTW Report

SEC Tries To Stop Chicago Ponzi Scheme

If you entrusted any money to EquityBuilding to be reinvested in developing real estate on the south side of Chicago, I have bad news for you. The people offering this investment took 30 percent off the top then used what was left to pay off earlier commitments. The scammers managed to take $135 million from 900 investors.  More

12 Comments on SEC Tries To Stop Chicago Ponzi Scheme

  1. Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Or something. I have to admit get a little buzz from reading how progressives get bilked out of their money by other progressives.

  2. “If you entrusted any money to EquityBuilding to be reinvested in developing real estate on the south side of Chicago…”

    …check out this cool trick I do with my hands. You will be amazed,

  3. There’s always people looking for easy money without the work. Suckers! By the way, I have 2 International Bridges at the bottom of Lake Huron for sale if anyone’s interested.

  4. Chicago Southside: home of Jesse Jackson, Al Capone and other “prominent” Americans. DePaul U. on S Jackson is as close as I ever chose to go.

  5. They just keep repackaging this scam and selling it again.
    From Michelle Malkin in 2009: “…“The same exact people who ran these places into the ground, the private companies paid to build and manage the city’s affordable housing, now are profiting by redeveloping them…” …”…In one of those endless Chicago coincidences, Grove Parc Plaza Apartments—now targeted for demolition as a result of years of neglect by Obama’s developer friends—sits in the shadows of the proposed site of the city’s 2016 Olympics Stadium. Valerie Jarrett is vice chair of Chicago’s Olympics committee.”
    it is the same pile of poop- it just has a new, pretty bow on it.
    It is a business, and they would rather not have it interfered with. The only thing consistent in chicago is corruption. Oh, and murder- I have to give them that one, too.
    And- since her name is mentioned here: valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

  6. @Mr. Anth Ropy: some of what is going on is what they call ‘laundering.’ This current scheme is just enticing people to buy into that racket.
    Does anyone have Elliot Ness’ phone number- he needs to get back to work there.

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