Tonight’s Jukebox Has Been Commandeered by Aaron Burr – IOTW Report

Tonight’s Jukebox Has Been Commandeered by Aaron Burr

I’m submitting my three songs for the iOTWreport jukebox. I’ve recently noticed an ever widening disconnect between generations and thought I’d do my part to bridge that by showing how the next gen is paying homage to the previous ones through music.

Plus, this counts as community service so check these out,
POMO-remix of No Can Do  —>
Relex Revision-Creadence Clearwater revival  —->

Aretha Franklin remix —–>

Pretty slick, huh? I can do this all night.
Yours in American Jesus
A. Burr

35 Comments on Tonight’s Jukebox Has Been Commandeered by Aaron Burr

  1. Look at it this way. Long after you’re dead and gone, annoying youths will still be playing your music.

    I’ve also provided 3 distinct styles of remixing. The first is fairly straightforward, the second turns some old hippy tune into something you’d listen to in a blacked out Impala on the way to a crime, and the third is proof that classic artists will never die.

    All in all I’d say artistic interpretations like this are a positive thing.

    Make of it what you will, but the guy from Reflex Revision has a whole lot of tracks worth listening to before you even get to WHAM!

    P.S. headphones are mandatory.

  2. I might have to re-submit mine seeing as how they never got played. Oh well, it’s not like I remember that shit or anything.

    Accordion? When I was in high school a good friend of mine would play his accordion for us when he drank enough beer. He was pretty darn good too, not exactly a chick magnet but we laughed like hell.

    uh ohhh. -bfh

  3. Mr Burr, I appreciate you, love you, but you’ve ridden one to many elevators. I much prefer the originals.
    I’ll spit a play list out sometime this week, and you can extract revenge on my tone deaf ass. LOL

  4. Brad, it’s not about the originals. This is about a culture reinterpreting these classic tunes. It’s happening whether we like it or not.

    C’mon, I picked the Credence jam just for you. I’m listening to it right now while wearing my “DO YOU DREAM OF MURDER?” sweater.

    But yeah… should have gone with the WHAM! remix….

  5. In that first one, I was quite taken aback to hear just how much quasimusical noise can be made without any actual, you know, musical instruments.

    In the second one, waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and thinking over and over that repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art repetition is not art and finally at 2 freakin’ minutes and 28 freakin’ seconds hearing – FINALLY – a human voice utter an actual WORD (it was “bet”) I realized the only reason I kept on listening was to see how long it took to get to that word, and the answer was 2:28. So I stopped.

    And as for the third one, I’ll just say I can’t stand phony video effects that try to mimic old projectors showing damaged film with scratches and with simulated broken sprocket holes making things twitch worse than a tasered chihuahua. At 22 seconds I started twitching sympathetically so I stopped rather than risk a gran mal seizure and/or psychotic break.

    Um, just sayin’

    Edit: I would’ve enjoyed some Daft Punk, though.

  6. Man…tough crowd.

    The second one is dope. That guy somehow got access to the master recordings and stems so what you’re hearing is each separate recorded track expanded on. If you were a D.J. you’d probably drop some cuts in there to liven it up. But here’s the same DJ remixing Marvin.

    The first one is probably the slickest remix ever made of No Can Do so I’ll chalk that one up to hatred of Blue Eyed Soul.

    The third one is a brilliant choice of an Aretha song to remix. Plus, it’s 9 years old, so no bandwagon there, just a pure love of the music.

    But you wanted Daft Punk, so whatever… Here they are with Adele.

    P.S. thank you ecp. Hall and Oats are better than people remember.

  7. Tits! I gave Unky Al a mashup, which is another completely different sub culture of mixing…. I’m trying to ease these people into it. There’s just so much creativity out there…

    Anyway, I know these people. All they want is Betty Hutton and tall glass of low fat milk.

    Meanwhile haters… from HELLS HEART I STAB AT THEE!!

  8. I liked the Hall & Oates remix.

    I agree with Uncle Al on the Creedence ‘thing’.

    The Aretha remix was very enjoyable. I didn’t notice the spastic camera tricks because I was so focused on watching him paint. It’s something to see what develops in front of you like that. Though I wasn’t crazy about the DJ record scratching stunt (I normally hate that), it wasn’t as obnoxious as it could have been. Again, so focused on the painting, it was only a very minor irritant.

    Thanks, Aaron, for the different exposure to music.

  9. On reflection, and on a bit of re-listening, I see that I owe you an apology, Aaron Burr. I understand better what your reasoning / motivation was in presenting the music you did, mostly from your comments to Bad_Brad.

    I’m glad you did this post. I learned some things and am glad I learned them. My objections are purely my own person aesthetics and the result the way I listen to music. When I listen to music, the music is my primary focus and I want it to occupy that focus as fully as possible. Only when I’m driving do I have music on as a secondary sensation (what with not wanting to run (a) over people, (b) off the road, or (c) into a ditch).

    Whether it is something missing in the music, or something imperfect in my ability to appreciate what the artists / remixers are doing, those three pieces simply didn’t grab my attention the way I prefer.

    I do apologize for the entirely negative first comment. Thank you for opening my ears to some new kinds of sounds.

    p.s. That Adele/Daft Punk was pleasant, and I truly enjoyed the Marvin Gaye…if only it hadn’t taken the mix quite so long to thicken up.

  10. So antsy Al… personally I like the extended bits. It’s like getting a double stuff oreo when normally all you get are the thin ones. Plus, for DJ’ing it makes it super easy to fade into the next song.

    But I have music on all day. Everything. Old school country, Motorhead,if I can find a cool mix of something that’s good too.

    But thank you for your kind comments. I realize what I share is not what people are used to hearing. But….that’s kinda the point. In this instance I saw an opportunity to take familiar classics and demonstrate that they haven’t lost their relevancy or interest with younger generations. Which… is totally coo.

    Last one… barry f-ing white. I dunno’, this one has me biting my knuckles by the 30 second mark and rump shakin’ by 40. Wish it was 10 hours long.

    It’s a religious experience….

  11. Aaron – Interesting, but I couldn’t listen to that for very long. It’s like Techno-Polka music.
    There are few things I dislike when it comes to music – Opera, Rap and Brad reminded me of the other: accordion music, like in Polka music. Other than that it’s pretty wide open for me, especially when it comes to re-mixes. I like to hear other interpretations of good music. Thank you.

    BTW – One of the funnier radio contests is where a popular song is played Polka style and listeners have to guess what song it is. It’s tough! It’ll make yer brain hurt!

  12. Great choices

    Hall & Oates seem especially well suited for remixes and sampling and they didn’t mess with the main track

    CCR tried my patience getting started….I’ll have to give it a relisten later to be fair.

    Aretha remix was a revelation- literally. Don’t think I ever heard song before, so this is my original. The painting was excellent evocation of her style. Great reminder to go deep in her works, not just the top hits.

    Keep the tunes coming.

  13. Thank’s Merry, I’d play more but today I’m listening to AFRICA by TOTO…. and everyone who’s ever made a cover of that tune…

    Man….. there’s like….. a lot of these….


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