Bill Clinton Election Meddling Gave Us Putin – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Election Meddling Gave Us Putin

I had this argument on Twitter months ago. I also mentioned it on Pinko’s radio show.

You want meddling, we can show you meddling.

It was Clinton’s meddling in a foreign election that gave the world Putin. How? By meddling in Russia’s election to make sure Boris Yeltsin, a hugely unpopular president, was re-elected.

Clinton began an orchestrated propaganda campaign to make Yeltsin look absolutely statesman-like on the global scene. It worked, but not so much in the long run.


ht/ all too much


7 Comments on Bill Clinton Election Meddling Gave Us Putin

  1. How about Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi… otherwise known as Colonel Daffy?
    Yeah, he was really whacked, but the oddball kept Libya in line. The Hillbag had him killed, cackled about it and the region collapsed into chaos.

  2. Clinton needs his due credit for the rise of a bellicose China as well.
    Willy saw fit to ensure they had access to missile technology that’s now pointed directly at us.
    And that’s just what we’re aware of!

  3. And don’t forget who gave the North Koreans their own Nuclear Reactor….

    None other than Slick Willie, and the MSM hailed it as Peace in our time…

    Looking back on that episode you would think that the MSM would be ashamed, but apparently if you have no morals or ethics, spine or heart you are physically incapable of feeling shame.

    Maybe they should try out for Pope, I hear there may be an opening soon…

    MSG Grumpy

  4. The manipulation of foreign elections has historically been the domain of the CIA. More than likely with tacit approval by whatever president is sitting at the time.
    I seriously doubt that even the president himself know all of what the CIA does and probably should not due to legalities.
    The CIA’s record on regimen change is spotty at best. Many of their efforts have failed dramatically with catastrophic results for our country.
    Its an interesting question as to whether or not all their cloak and dagger efforts are beneficial to the United States.

  5. 1) Obama’s public campaign against Netanyahu.
    2) Obama’s hot mic comment requesting that Russia not create problems that might complicate Obama’s re-election in exchange for “flexibility” after the election.
    3) The cover-up of Benghazi so as not to damage Obama’s re-election bid against Mitt Romney.


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