Archbishop calls for Pope’s resignation – IOTW Report

Archbishop calls for Pope’s resignation

TESTIMONY of His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s testimony on how Popes Francis and the Roman Curia covered up the abuse of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Archbishop Vigano served as apostolic nuncio to the United States 2011-2016.

This is how the testimony ends—>

Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example for cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of
Even in dismay and sadness over the enormity of what is happening, let us not lose hope!
 We well knowthat the great majority of our pastors live their priestly vocation with fidelity and dedication.
It is in moments of great trial that the Lord’s grace is revealed in abundance and makes His limitless mercy available to all; but it is granted only to those who are truly repentant and sincerely propose to amend their lives. This is a favorable time for the Church to confess her sins, to convert, and to do penance.
Let us all pray for the Church and for the Pope, let us remember how many times he has asked usto pray for him!
Let us all renew faith in the Church our Mother:
“I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolicChurch!”
Christ will never abandon His Church! He generated her in His Blood and continually revives herwith His Spirit!Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us!
Mary, Virgin and Queen, Mother of the King of glory, pray for us!
Rome, August 22, 2018
Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Official translation by Diane Montagna
ht/ anymouse

31 Comments on Archbishop calls for Pope’s resignation

  1. These creatures are Luciferians. It is that simple. They believe they gain power
    from sodomizing innocents. The countless lives that have been shattered by these
    filthy roaches cloaked in robes is hard to wrap your mind around.

    I would like to see a day when the people that have been abused by these
    cowards storm the Vatican and tear these perverted fuckers to shreds.

  2. I read the whole report and it is very damning to the church,lots of the leaders of the church are named and should be removed now.
    There has been the same kind of purge going on in the church that is just like what we have seen here with Obama.
    80% of all of the abuse that has happened has been homosexual,the minors are a small part of the overall abuse,these men were using the seminary,s as there own grooming grounds.
    Marxist and flat out homo’s are running the church at the highest levels around the globe.
    If you belong to the church you need to read the report and raise hell with the leaders. Pray for the church,they need it.

  3. Can we have our old pope back now? Or, if he doesn’t want the job back, can we review the records of the College of Cardinals before they vote for a new one? McCarrick was a powerful lobbyist for Francis to get elected…
    There are many swamps to be drained in this wicked world.

  4. Gospel for mass today, feast of St Monica. Go to mass if possible and pray this message is heeded.
    Mt 23:13-22
    Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
    You lock the Kingdom of heaven before men.
    You do not enter yourselves,
    nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter.

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
    You traverse sea and land to make one convert,
    and when that happens you make him a child of Gehenna
    twice as much as yourselves.

    “Woe to you, blind guides, who say,
    ‘If one swears by the temple, it means nothing,
    but if one swears by the gold of the temple, one is obligated.’
    Blind fools, which is greater, the gold,
    or the temple that made the gold sacred?
    And you say, ‘If one swears by the altar, it means nothing,
    but if one swears by the gift on the altar, one is obligated.’
    You blind ones, which is greater, the gift,
    or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
    One who swears by the altar swears by it and all that is upon it;
    one who swears by the temple swears by it
    and by him who dwells in it;
    one who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God
    and by him who is seated on it.”

  5. I have pointed out since prior to his election that Anti-Pope Bergoglio is a wicked and evil man. I have, since my childhood days, considered the USCCB to be the most corrupt and contemptible of organizations.

    It is made clear in The Bible that The Church will from time to time be infiltrated by such utter filth and that they will assume leadership rolls.

    There has always been a clear line of demarcation in my mind between The Church and anyone serving in ant capacity therein, they are judged on their character and I guess that is why I was prepared for when this finally was exposed. There are many in the laity who have been waiting for these events for decades.

    Others, my mother included, have been in denial. It will be hard on them.

  6. They could change the Pope every week, and you’d have the same result.
    These Men were born “Gay” and saw the Priesthood as a Refuge, Mom could be Proud and even Dad might respect you for once.
    The Secret is OUT Boys, Refuge no more. !

  7. BigOwe AUGUST 27, 2018 AT 8:31 AM
    He had a dirty mouth while in Ireland. Depending on translation of excrement.

    In essence he is calling himself shit.

    Beyond that, everyone should read the report connected to the link. Yes, it’s eleven pages and perhaps not an easy read. I would make the analogy that it’s like Holder reporting on the eight years of Obama. Also we have the turd in Mexico (Cardinal) threatening those that might report the abuse. Grabbed the link below as example.

    This one is very troubling to me as I’ve posted before; I saw it up close and personal and lost the faith. The parallels between when the Church started down the road to perdition and when our own government did the same are scary. I could post a long diatribe, but again say, “Read, reread the damning document.” My thoughts were clear and unemotional last night, but now clouded with anger and disgust preventing any coherent comment this morning.

    Thank you to Mr. big for putting this one up here. It’s starting to get play elsewhere and Vigano could very easily end up Arcancided. There’s no limit to my contempt and disgust for what has taken place over the last fifty years or more in the church. Worse, resentments have the ability to destroy their container. The “Cat Lickers” really need to examine what they currently have going on (in my opinion).

    Perhaps later revisit this thread after my replies will no longer be seen…

  8. While checking some other sites before starting my “Monday Yard Work” I came across the one below. Sums it up nicely and note that many other sites have given it play. I suspect that the powers that be will try to ignore and ride this one out like they have done so many other times before. The scale of the reporting on this one is beyond what they’ve seen in the past. It’s like a cat trying to cover an overfilled litter box. Cover one turd snd expose another. Perhaps of no interest to many as “I’m not a Catholic.” The involvement of the Church in every government might surprise the peasants… Screw it! I’m starting again and need to go work it off with my chores.

    And another…

  9. I am glad I am not Catholic, but during his tenure, he strikes me as beig a Communist or at least a socialist. Wasn’t a pope murdered after a short reign because he didn’t go with the flow?

  10. If any of these bastards had a shred of decency or any integrity they would resign and forsake any pension they have coming. They don’t, they don’t even understand the concept and they won’t. This alone tells you everything anyone needs to know to make an accurate assessment of the sincerity of any of them individually or all of them collectively.

    One of the best synopsis’s I have read. The links are must read/watch. This places blame where it belongs. This is just an excerpt.

    “The homosexual subculture problem in the Church is related to my effort to encourage the bishops to speak out against the Democratic Party for their advocacy of abortion and homosexual marriage. Both are sins that cry out to God in Heaven (Gen 4:10 & Gen 19:13). Both are in Democratic Party platforms at all levels… and yet our bishops have been mostly silent in condemnation. Are they silent because they sympathize with the Democrats on social issues or has their silence been coerced by a ruthless party which threatened to expose the unfolding scandal? Neither situation is flattering for our bishops. The time is now to speak all truth and come clean for the scandalized faithful. The culture of death must be defeated by the Church standing resolutely for the way, the truth, and the life.”
    Open Letter to the Bishops – The Church in Crisis

  11. Anyone still in the dark about the USCCB radical stance on being non-judgemental has been all about? Anyone who has an open mind could see what has been going down for the last half century. These reprobates, Bergoglio included, are not Catholic, they are not even Christian. They are Marxists and the Marxist faith is incompatible with Christianity and Catholicism.

  12. I am Catholic. And I shall remain so. But I will never never contribute to the annual Catholic sharing appeal. These are the very people bringing in and settling these worthless Muslims. The same people that pay off the bishops and the Cardinals for coverups.

    I will never abandon my Lord or the holy sacraments. My parish priest was nearly in tears speaking to us after mass yesterday. The anger and sadness spilled out like cloud covered all of us. I shall pray for God’s direction.

    This is what happens with communism and socialism. Francis grew up under Argentine dictator Juan and Eva Perrone that had connections to German Nazi party.

  13. I refuse to refer to the reprobate as Pope Francis, he is Bergoglio to me or Anti-Pope Bergoglio. To refer to this wicked and evil Marxist as Pope is to validate the bastard and I have not and will not ever concede validity to him. He is a Marxist, liberation theologian an opportunist and an infiltrator and a tool of the devil in hell.

    Don’t even get me started on Roger Mahony unless ya’ have a couple hours.

  14. all man made religions

    read the real BIBLE
    pray for understanding and wisdom

    man made religion is compromised

    all is not lost
    pray and read the BIBLE, not just read it,but study it
    GOD will give you understanding of the word if you ask for it


  15. Southernsue is right; If it’s not in the Bible, it’s not Christian.

    The “Catholic Church” is nothing more than Mystery Babylon swanning about in a Christian skin-suit.

    I understand that one cannot criticize the RCC without being accused of ‘bashing Catholics;’ just the same as one cannot criticize the ‘black community’ without being labeled a racist. Let the hating begin

  16. Wondering if Mr. Pinko & Mikey might touch on this one…

    There’s certainly enough out there on many websites now. Sadly I don’t see a possible correction being brought about by any man. At least in government we have the possible correction (or at least improvement) with Trump. More than enough information out there to pretty much damn what has been the hierarchy or leadership in the church and there’s no place for them to go for reformation when the top is still corrupt. Ain’t no pope going to resign like Benedict did with what they got now.

    The way I’m looking at it now is the fact that I see no viable or realistic solutions to be implemented. Have many questions that I doubt can be answered and the only upside for me is I no longer have any skin in the game. They crated a militant agnostic in me when I walked away after seminary.

  17. Not liking this new “Pope”. Was raised and schooled Catholic. Luckily never roofed, not even during my first “communion”. Always have looked back in the preparation of that to my first “confession”. Born with “Original Sin”, that’s what I was supposed to admit too. Instead just making up shit it was OK to lie about like giving my sister a “Melvin” and a give back wedgie to my older brother. Sounds like some modern day politicians? Weird yes, strange teachings, yes. Remember that Netflix “Sister Cathy documentary series” ? That was my parish from 1st to 3rd grade. Never knew until 2016, thankfully so. Have to agree with George Carlin about the 10 Commandments. Cut them down to the four “guidelines” and you may have something there. Mohammad saw something and said I can make some money off this. Heretics and infidels, what’s the difference? Have there been evil Catholics and Muslims? Yep, as long as there are sheep there always will be. Pardon my rant, I love having a place like IOTW to at least express it.

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