Ben Shapiro calling Trump Petty is like …. Ben Shapiro Calling Trump Petty (There is no better analogy) – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro calling Trump Petty is like …. Ben Shapiro Calling Trump Petty (There is no better analogy)

Daily Whiner-

On Saturday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) passed away at age 81. President Trump, who has had a historically awful relationship with McCain, responded in typical Trumpian fashion: he had the White House flag lowered to half-mast for the statutory period, then rose it to full height again despite the tradition of keeping the flag lowered until a sitting senator’s burial.

Trump’s behavior is egregious and beneath the office he holds. Trump is being petty and vindictive. That’s no surprise.

His behavior is also dumb politics. Yes, his base loves it — any sign of militancy from Trump makes the base happy, particularly since many conservatives saw McCain as politically wishy-washy at best. Trump’s behavior further cements his base in opposition to the “establishment” — both George W. Bush and Barack Obama will speak at McCain’s funeral. But Trump needs to move beyond his base now. Declaring needless battles with the corpse of a sitting senator and military hero looks small and absurd. Trump’s supporters won’t go anywhere because they have nowhere else to go. But everyone else is far less likely to give Trump the benefit of the doubt as time goes on, no matter how good the economy remains. Character does matter.

~~~~~~~~ Speaking of Daily Whiner.

This is a screen shot of the story when I went there.

The ad is Total Wine.

How apropos.

ht/ dianny

25 Comments on Ben Shapiro calling Trump Petty is like …. Ben Shapiro Calling Trump Petty (There is no better analogy)

  1. President Trump’s base doesn’t think McCain was “wishy-washy.” We know he was a liberal democrat at heart and his supposed heroism was all PR. Shapiro is disgusting.

  2. “… the tradition of keeping the flag lowered until a sitting senator’s burial.”
    … is only for the Capital Building, not the White House

    if you can’t argue the facts …

  3. “Being Jewish has nothing to do with what makes him loathsome, and I say this as the Jew many people mistakingly think I am. lol”

    Totally disagree. He wears his little party hat to every event he does. Sticks it out there like a badge or something. I mean no disrespect to any one other than the tag long turd.
    My patience are up with this ass hat. And yes Twitter protects him. Me, not so much.

  4. It’s too bad Shapiro is such a little asshole. I’ve watched video of him disassemble progs into tiny little pieces with a mind like a switchblade. The fact is if Trump decided to go to the funeral this twerp would be hammering him for being a two-faced hypocrite. Hell, maybe he should get the crap beat out of him sometime on a college campus. It may beat the smug douchebag out of him.

  5. Shapiro’s a debater. He got his ass kicked doing anything else. Here’s how that works, you give Little Ben a postulate and he’ll argue the shit out of it. Why do we consider this guy among the ranks of conservatives? He’s not. He’s a debater with no regard to right or wrong.


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