Jerry Brown Hellbent On Making California a Criminal’s Paradise – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown Hellbent On Making California a Criminal’s Paradise

Gov. Brown signs bill eliminating money bail in California.


“Abolishing money bail and replacing it with a risk-based system will enhance justice and safety,” Bonta said in a statement. “For too long, our system has allowed the wealthy to purchase their freedom regardless of their risk, while the poor who pose no danger languish in jail. No more. Freedom and liberty should never be pay to play.”

“This is a transformative day for our justice system,” Cantil-Sakauye said in a statement. “Our old system of money bail was outdated, unsafe, and unfair.”



Sure, it’s transformative. The California government is going to be trusted to do “risk assessment.”

These are the same people who won’t notify ICE when a dangerous criminal was being released from jail.

My God have mercy on all the souls of California. You guys are frigged.

ht/ bad brad


12 Comments on Jerry Brown Hellbent On Making California a Criminal’s Paradise

  1. “Counties will establish local agencies to evaluate any individual arrested on felony charges…”
    So, not only will dangerous criminals be released O.R., but a whole new bureaucracy will be created to suck more taxpayer’s dollars. Sounds like a win-win!

  2. thanks for posting FUR. This is much worse than one would think.
    The criteria for staying incarcerated has already been established in prop 47. Ignore all former convictions, ignore all gun crimes, did anybody get hurt, are they a minority. Well then, let them out. Many counties are suing. Including ours. Fxcking dumb bastards.

  3. Jerry Brown just killed 3,200 jobs. No, more than that because each bail bond agency employees more than one person. Literally just turned thousands of people into the ranks of the unemployed.

    Also, Chico’s Bail Bonds will no longer be sponsoring the Bears little league team.

  4. “Jerry Brown just killed 3,200 jobs”

    That’s no shit, but we are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, now 6th greatest economy of any nation in the world. But the assholes won’t be satisfied until we are dead last.

  5. jar-jar brwnz thinks he’s in the movie Dangerous Minds as An ex-Marine turned teacher struggling to connect with he/she students in an inner city school.
    soon enough he/she will get coolio to sing gangsters paradise as an inspiring song to the yuts of kekafornia in honor of his crush in chicago, ream amanhole!

  6. Huh. Article says this will increase, not decrease pretrial detention. Makes sense.

    Soooo…. it’ll clog the justice system up even more…. huh.

    I may need a cig or two to watch this play out next year.

  7. THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC and INDIAN COUNTRY, by Kurt Schlichter. Excellent picture of the future of the blue states. Commifornia’s criminal are the ‘law’ enforcers. Crazy Jerry must be using the books as a blueprint.

  8. I left in 1988. I have no idea why any sane person would live there if they have a choice. Normal people move out when they can, and the crazies stay. Hence, Cali keeps getting crazier.


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