Spotlight on Moron who’s of the Opinion that a store responding to shoplifting data APOLOGIZE for being RACIST – IOTW Report

Spotlight on Moron who’s of the Opinion that a store responding to shoplifting data APOLOGIZE for being RACIST

This Laura Gunderson bint is as good as any other bint to hold up as a pinata. They are all the same, these idiots. They are interchangeable. They are unthinking leftist borgs who function on feelings- a practice they think is virtuous, but in reality is extremely damaging to a functioning society. They must be eradicated.

She wrote an opinion piece for OregonLive urging Fred Meyer, a market chain, to apologize for locking up hair care products for black people. (She says, like the dipshit she is, “African Americans,” as if black people are all Africans. Friggin’ dope.) It matters little if these products are routinely stolen, necessitating that they be locked behind glass, the “appearance” of such a decision is “hurtful.”

Local shoppers of all colors were outraged. And rightly so.

“I feel singled out.” “That’s rude, discriminatory and I’m guessing offensive.” “Nice message to my 8 year old.” “What a lapse of judgment.”

Correct on all counts.

Think, stupid. If Fred Meyer was discriminatory they wouldn’t carry products for black people at all.

No store wants to lock up merchandise, necessitating that an employee take time and effort to unlock the case for customers. It’s a pain in the ass. But you know what’s a bigger pain in the ass? Stocking your shelves with a product and taking a loss on it. It’s a pain in the ass that a certain product seems to walk out the door, over and over. It’s a pain in the ass when you are forced to lock the product behind glass and then some idiot writes an opinion piece that says you’re the bad guy.

“Nice message to my 8 year old.”

Yes, the better message is to lie and say the store is racist, when in reality black hair care products are being stolen at a rate that concerns the store.

This is the perfect experiment, the perfect control,  that blows a hole in her vapid worldview. If bottled water was being stolen at a high rate no one could extrapolate a demographic that would be responsible for the theft. But since these are black hair care products being stolen, and you have usable data, this sends the left into a panic.

The data suggest this is black people doing the thievery, and if you are a good leftist soldier, data like that needs to be buried. If the data is released you must begin firing your Gatling gun that shoots the Scarlett “R” at everyone. Truth is racist.

Jeffery Temple, Fred Meyer’s director of corporate affairs, released a statement last week to KOIN explaining that the company – owned by Cincinnati-based The Kroger Co. – periodically reviews items that may need additional security measures. He added, “Decisions about product access in our stores are data driven.”

Decisions should be made with data. But companies that care about their customers should also be careful about using data alone to make what should be more delicate deliberations.

In other words, if your data says black people are stealing hair care products you must bury that data or risk being ostracized by dried up old soccer moms that sit around all day and look for situations like this in order to virtual signal.

Temple also couldn’t say whether leaders had discussed how the decision to lock those specific products up might make their black customers feel. Or, the message it would send: We don’t trust you.

The trust in people are when products are stocked openly on shelves. They trusted. The message I see when a product makes its way behind locked glass is, “We trusted you. You betrayed us.”

“While this case appears to be limited to this one store location, we are reviewing the data and product placement with an eye toward our values.”

Thing is, it may be unclear to some customers what those values are.

Look at this dope, questioning the values of the store that is trying to do what they can without having to raise prices on law abiding people.

This is why thinking like this needs to be eradicated. You must learn to think past upturned noses. Theft effects all the other customers that don’t steal, and that includes law abiding black customers. Jerk.


ht/ jd hasty





33 Comments on Spotlight on Moron who’s of the Opinion that a store responding to shoplifting data APOLOGIZE for being RACIST

  1. She still don’t beat that German moron who after being brutally raped stated that her countrymen should be more accepting of their culture.
    Kinda hard to pity anyone that stupid.

  2. O is getting their preferred narrative absolutely hammered in the comments on this story. They may shut down comments, that is their usual way of acting when their ass is getting handed to them.

  3. When I go to the money machine tonight, alright, I ain’t looking over my back for the media, I’m looking for niggas! Shit, Ted Koppel ain’t never took shit from me. Niggas have. So, you think I’ve got three guns in my house ’cause the media outside?

  4. Shit, my local grocery here in Smalltown SC locks up the condoms, ethnic hair care stuff, certain OTC cold meds and get this, douche. Put this retard behind a two way mirror for a couple of days and let her get educated.

  5. Once again, White, Liberal Woman militating on behalf of the African American community. That Fred Meyer is conveniently located by several mass transit points, allowing for shop lifters to have multiple escape routes.

    I would ask if she is going to go to the downtown Safeway in PDX and ask why all the razor blades are kept at customer service under lock and key? Is she going to write a piece that says that this discriminates again the heroin addicts that are clustered outside, casing the place as they try and locate where the lone security guard is patrolling so they can make a run at the beer isle. (For those not in the know, people steal the high end blades and quickly sell them to the bodegas around town.)

    The African American community understands why it is all locked down. Shoplifting is becoming an entitlement issue on the West Coast and you constantly hear the line,”Well, they got insurance.”

  6. Good for Fred Meyer’s, why can’t they lock up stuff if it’s commonly kyped (stolen) by people of color. It only makes common sense, all they have to do is ask an employee to open it for them if they want to buy such a product. Or is that too hard and discriminatory.

  7. racist she be.
    How do they know who is actually stealing the products? Knowing them to be stolen is easy enough in today’s world, with computerized inventorying. But how do they know the demographics of the thieves? I think, that if anyone is racist, it is those who assert that it is blacks who are doing the stealing. This could be a case of undiscovered cultural mis-appropriation here. Geez, they should spin it another way and get people to think their products are so valuable and limited, that they have to be kept under lock and key.
    I’m looking forward to when they stock handguns and ammunition on open shelves, too. That could only be the next logical step.

  8. There is a Wally mart here in a fine part of town that anything that is electronic is either locked or behind glass .Now I know it just couldn’t be cause we in da wrong hood now is it. PC culture ruining America one day at a time.

  9. FM will end up pulling all black hair products. Then what?

    Lemme give an example for that stupid beyotch—
    Out in LA, certain Kmart, Walmart, Target, etc., were constantly locking up makeup. Before they resorted to that, one particular brand of black eye liner by Max Factor- because it was in a magic marker format with a narrow felt tip- was constantly getting shoplifted. Who was stealing those? The Cholas. Mexican gang member bitches and the morons who wanted to look like them. As soon as the stores stopped carrying that particular eyeliner, or locked them up, the theft miraculously stopped.

    If your store is targeted by shoplifters of a particular race or sex, tell your friends of a particular race or sex to knock it the fuck off. Eventually, products will become so expensive and so unavailable or maybe that particular store will just close and move on. Then we’ll be hearing from scum like mich 0bama how those stores are racist because they won’t open in the hood. Well you know what? Everything bad that happens in town are the fault of people that live there and no one else.

  10. How the military handles shoplifting:

    On a military base, if you are living with a military member and have privilege to go to the commissary or BX (or PX) and you are caught stealing and if it’s a serious enough offense, the military person responsible for you (sponsor) can actually lose their rank. Also, an adult caught stealing can be banned from the base entirely. They are serious about this kind of shit.

  11. A few years ago I had a second job at Fred Meyer, working in Apparel, which was right by the clothing entrance (or whatever they call the non-food stuff). Nearly every evening we would hear about someone caught stealing or who’d just walked out with XYZ.

    I don’t know the demos of the shoplifters in our store, but I do know they did it with impunity, because they could. One evening as I was approaching my department, coming back from my break, some dude whizzed right by me so fast he practically ran over my toes. In his arms he clutched a bunch of items he’d decided he wanted. And out those doors he went.

    Fred’s FINALLY started locking those doors at 20:00, and I guess that didn’t work, or not enough, because their crackdown to make up for the over one million in losses next necessitated that particular entrance being shut down entirely. At the food entrance now stands a staff member watching people come in and leave, even though there already are those buzzer things that go off when you walk out with a still-tagged item. It bothered me in the sense that they lose so much they have to do that, but I can see why they would. The person is super friendly (but you can tell people are being watched closely) and I hope thieves are given no sympathy.

  12. “or whatever they call the non-food stuff”
    Softlines. I’m did hard time in retail.

    Sad thing is, if it wasn’t for FredMeyers and Kmart and all of the discount-y type stores, the less fancy neighborhoods would have dick.

  13. Yes. I know that CD sales are disappearing as is all physical media, but over the years of my experience people weren’t stealing Country and Gospel. There was a little more theft of Rock.

    But by far it was rap and hip/Hop that left retail outlets without remuneration. Hell. The artists were practically telling people to steal their product.

  14. It wuz me! It wuz me! I goes from stoe to stoe takin’ all de stuf my brothas and sistahs wants. Do-rags, afro sheen, you names it. Den when de stoe locks all dat stuff up I sells my haul outta de back of my van fo half price. Dare ain’t no widespread stealin. It wuz me!

  15. Alright dammit you caught me, I confess. I was doing it to make coloreds look bad. If you had cameras up you’d a seen me, but apparently you didn’t. I was watching the news, and they never describe whodunnit.

    Furthermore, I’ve been hacking into the livestream and putting my own words into Al Sharpton’s broadcasts. The guy is actually very articulate, quite logical and not at all the moron that I portray him to be.

    Belee dat!

  16. I managed a very large supermarket in the north country of New York state back in the late 80’s, through the 90’s. I had a great loss prevention coordinator that was perfect for our area. One day we caught a young black man stealing as much as he could get in his pockets. We stopped him and brought him in to the security office. His first words were, “You was only watchin me cause I’m black.” My LP, without missing a beat, said, “Yes, and it paid off.” The punk shut his mouth after that.

  17. Sorry, I don’t think it was “shoppers of all colors” who were supposedly outraged; I think it was white virtue signaling liberals. For the most part, the black community gets it; hood rats shop lift a lot of stuff. Honest shoppers hate being lumped in with the hood rats, but they understand it.

    Get used to it. When I was in college, the local stores refused to take checks from anyone under 25 because of so many NSF checks. Discriminatory against young people? Yes. Did honest students feel put out because of the actions of a relative few? Yes. Did we understand why these policies were so prevalent? Unfortunately, yes.

  18. Yup, and it ain’t just her!!!! Some Black woman in CA is suing her local Wally-world for locking up all the “Black” hair car products too!!! She also claimed that to make her feel even more degraded, the store associate, after removing the items from the case, escorted her to the checkout counter to “MAKE SURE” she paid for the products and did not steal them!!!! She was looking for an easy $30,000 for starters!!!

    “NOW” under the “guise” of making shopping “Easier” “Wally” has now started this “On-line shopping!!” get the app, shop on line, pay with your credit card then go to the store and a “52-Pick-up” as I call it, associate will bring your purchase out to your car!! One interesting thought!! If Wally shut down all it’s off-the-shelf shopping and went straight to “52-pickup” there would be “ZERO SHRINK” from theft!!! Jeeez, just think!! What would all the “Bandido’s” do!!!!!!


  19. Looking at the reader’s comments on the OregonLive site, I am actually proud of my fellow Oregonians for a change. Comments are about 100 to 1 against this ignorant opinion piece. Here is one of the funnier ones:

    “If people who steal stuff get upset if a store locks up its merchandise, simply shoplift at a store that does not lock up its merchandise.”

  20. Remember the politician who was outraged that stores in high crime areas had bullet-proof glass.

    This soccer mom crunt wouldn’t work there without the glass, but she’d write a piece declaring it racist from her gated community and submit her smiling stupid face for the byline.
    I am actually nauseated by this bitch.

  21. The proper response, of course, would have been to lock up all the hair care products and inconvenience everybody. After all, the last thing we want is for black folks to have to face unpleasant facts about themselves as a community.

  22. This stupid woman woman needs to be confronted about her display of white privilege. NOT shoplifting while going into a store causes the store to not be suspicious of white people. Her refusal to steal is causing people to be overly suspicious of blacks. She needs “spread the crime around” (in the words of a politician) so that everyone can be equally a suspect.

  23. Good ol’ Freddies…
    My parents used to shop there all of the time when I was little [and before we moved to Arizona, where there are no Fred Myers to be found].

    I loved watching the automated cow tails swish in the dairy isle. So much fun for a 7 year old. 🙂


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