University Quashes Own Study That Says Transgenderism Could Be Nothing But Trendism – IOTW Report

University Quashes Own Study That Says Transgenderism Could Be Nothing But Trendism


Brown University is censoring findings from its own study on transgender youth, which found evidence that teens can be influenced by social media and their friend circles to want to change their gender identity.

Brown took down a news article about the study on “rapid-onset gender dysphoria,” a phenomenon where teens in a friend group who never experienced questions about their gender before, suddenly identify as transgender at the same time. This occurs typically after a flood of social media use, and binge-watching YouTube videos about transitioning.

The Daily Wire first reported Brown’s removal of its transgender research. The Ivy League university claims it is still committed to “academic freedom.”



13 Comments on University Quashes Own Study That Says Transgenderism Could Be Nothing But Trendism

  1. Sure it’s just a fad. They see it all the time in the media and the negativity that often accompanies it. Makes them.want it more. Same thing with the hockey pucks and such they put in their earlobes.

  2. Academic “Freedom”‘s just another word for nothing left to lose.

    (In the jargon of child development and psychology, it’s called “individuation” — just a fancy word for being different from your parents in your quest to become a mature individual. Every generation has its thing, from gold fish eating and all the rest. Kids used to achieve this by moving out of their parents’ house, mastering a skill and making a life for themselves.)

  3. Apparently it was just a passing fancy that I thought I was an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral amputee cis gendered lesbian dwarf trapped in a 6’1″ heterosexual male body…

  4. Maybe kids today need to get a social media license-just like a drivers license. They’d have to take classes to spot fake news and how to not get suckered into oddball trends. You get your social media license at 16 but it can be revoked for excessive stupidity and gullibility.

  5. They’ve traded learning how to think for what to think, and what they’re taught to think is rubbish.
    Some days I think the movie Idiocracy wasn’t made for entertainment. It was prophesy.

  6. I’d agree to have my Johnson chopped off in order to be hip and with it, but it has provided so much enjoyment for the opposite sex that it would be cruel to them forme to acquiesce to no wee wee mania.

    Plus I don’t have the balls to do it.

    Hmmm. Maybe I need to work on my phraseology some.

  7. ‘New study’ [scoff]
    Let me tell you all something, as a millennial myself [and on the end spectrum of that generation. So I’m rather young], I could’ve already told you that. NO need for a study to be paid for. Just observe most gen z and young millenials and it’ll become glaringly obvious that over half the trans kids are brainwashed, and the other half just desperately want to fit in.

  8. Living in San Diego, I actually see maybe two Transvestites a month out on the Town. They are not generally Happy people even after they’ve swapped out their “Nasty Bit’s”, they look pissed off like life screwed them.
    This Procedure is only for very Troubled People with deep seated issues, and nobody under 28 should even be offered a Surgical solution.
    Yes, it’s a “Media Forced Trend”.

  9. the mental health community is going to have some explaining to do.They sacrificed their profession by allowing a mental illness, gender dysphoria, evolve into the now acceptable gender dysmorphia. They’re too scared of losing acceptance if they speak honestly. And it is good for their business, too. But you don’t confirm hallucinations, and you don’t tell an anorexic that they do look fat.


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