More from the “McCain Was Not a Hero” File – IOTW Report

More from the “McCain Was Not a Hero” File

The Babalú blog drops the dime on the despicable McCain once again-

How John McCain helped a terror-sponsoring regime (Castro’s) create a money-making tourist trap (Finca Vigia) out of a Commie-loving, former KGB agent’s home (Ernest Hemingway’s).

“The senator was extremely hospitable and, when he found out about our interest in Hemingway, promptly began quoting passages from “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” He asked how he might help us. When we explained the difficulties we were having with the State Department, he said he would try to help us. He explained that he detested the Castro brothers and the Cuban government. But he also felt that differences in political philosophies should not be an impediment to a project of such importance. So he agreed to personally call Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and ask her to get the approval of the licenses expedited. He made the call and she agreed to accept his recommendation. The licenses were issued and the project proceeded.” (Mary Peterson of the Finca Vigia Foundation.)


We’d been better off if his failed ejection didn’t just break his arms and leg back in Viet Nam.

ht/ nm


18 Comments on More from the “McCain Was Not a Hero” File

  1. I am not a Hemingway fan, never have been and never will be. Most of his work was overrated. He hated God with an atheists passion and he blew his brains out with a shotgun stuck in his mouth and pulled the trigger. To me he was a braggart, a coward and a chicken shit. I’d sooner read Zane Grey or Louis Lamour than Hemingway.

  2. I forgot about Babalú blog. Good guys.
    As for McCain, the soon to be forgotten man, unaccomplished and an impediment to American greatness, obama enabler…

    I’ll just stop.

  3. Bet John is pissed now that he found out Trump tower is the biggest hotel in Heaven and he has no reservation,

    but there might be a reservation for him at the Hilton down the road

  4. Yes, that and a bunch of chickens running around,
    Don’t lose a flip flop in KW and cut your foot on a pop top.
    Sorry, Key West is Nasty.
    Ernest was a disappointment as well.

  5. Hey F.D.R.! Does McStain still have that “somebody pull this pitchfork outta my ass” look he always had when he was up here or does he still have that same look WITH a pitchfork up his ass down there?

  6. .45-70: The American Spectator ran a piece comparing Captain John McCain to Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton and his distinguished service to this country in war and at peace. It’s worth reading. Denton was a real hero. I’ve read many books about the POWs in Vietnam, and what they endured was beyond comprehension.


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