Red Hen Restaurant Refusal to Serve Press Secretary Leads To Drop in Town Tourism – IOTW Report

Red Hen Restaurant Refusal to Serve Press Secretary Leads To Drop in Town Tourism

CTH: The Associated Press is reporting that a Virginia tourism board is initiating an emergency fund to compensate for a significant drop in business as a result of the Red Hen Restaurant refusing to serve White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

LEXINGTON, Va. (AP) — A small town in Virginia is trying to recover its image after The Red Hen restaurant famously refused to serve President Donald Trump’s spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The Roanoke Times reported Sunday that a regional tourism board is pulling together emergency funds to boost its digital marketing campaign. MORE


42 Comments on Red Hen Restaurant Refusal to Serve Press Secretary Leads To Drop in Town Tourism

  1. From the article: “Normally that money is saved. But officials agreed the region is in desperate need of positive coverage.” Must mean that the Red Hen refusing Sarah Sanders is making their whole town look like shit to tourists. Maybe they should have run the Red Hen’s owners out of town instead !

  2. Would have thought the numbers of people were up due to the Conservatives that showed up right after to show their displeasure. Call me when the Red Hen is an antique shop.

  3. That’s what I wish RINO’s would look at and stop believing that the majority of the country is center-left. That they must move to the left to win elections. Leftist boycotts fail and fail miserably. It’s not leftists that are avoiding Lexington VA.

    Oh and Karl Rove, while we are talking about RINOs, maybe he figured out who is staying away from NFL games and causing the league to take huge attendance and ratings hits? Hint: It’s the pissed off MAJORITY that wants to vote Center-Right.


    You are right. But Va. has been liberal for decades; so it did not happen. I know first hand, lived in Alexandria ’49 – ’53. They may have been more left 66 years ago than today; but progressive none the less.

  5. The whole thing about the radical Lefties following Sarah’s family across the street and harassing them at the other restaurant probably had a lot of people thinking twice about subjecting themselves and their families to that kind of nuisance when they just want to go somewhere and have a good time. That’s the thing with us conservatives — we like to relax and have some fun; not use every waking moment to assert our politics, and certainly not to ruin some random person’s day (or life) with a show of mental depravity.

  6. I look at the family picture with them in their cunt caps and just shake my head. The husband and son are so Cucked up I question whether the boy is really his since he has no balls. What kind of man follows a harpy like that in life? Only a beta. And strong mothers make weak sons, so the boy is screwed from the get-go.

    But they sure told Sarah, didn’t they?

  7. “we like to relax and have some fun; not use every waking moment to assert our politics”

    Because for the Left, the state is their God, lying politicians are their saviors, and politics is their religion. They are evangelists and priests for the state/god. And as with medieval Catholicism, heresy is anything that disagrees, and heretics exist for the faithful to torture and burn, all for the glory of “God” [the state].

  8. Let’s not forget the fact that she was the executive director of Main Street Lexington, in other words the face of the organization tasked with promoting economic viability! She has since stepped down, however she is what they represented! If they really want to recover from that they’d better be sponsoring a Trump rally pretty soon!

  9. The funniest thing to me is, it seems Progs are incapable of using empirical evidence to forecast an outcome.
    The NFL, hanging by a thread, if you believe the coverage and owners, don’t really pay much attention.
    If the NFL and Hollywood relied on me for income, they would all have to drive for Uber to pay the rent.
    Chick-fil-A, business couldn’t be better.
    In-and-Out, same same.
    Hobby Lobby, same.
    Others too.
    Progs seem to be faced with allowing spite to disfigure their olfactory organ, contrary to an easily available database.
    This funeral is gonna blow up on them too, bigly, spite funeral to beat all spite funerals.
    Is there even any evidence if that is a thing? Breaking new ground, pun intended.
    The Megalodon, Meg for short, now the papers are adopting President Trump’s little game of demeaning nicknames.
    Means big tooth, certainly not a big brain.

  10. @RightWinger September 3, 2018 at 8:51 am

    > That’s what I wish RINO’s would look at and stop believing that the majority of the country is center-left.

    The RINOs don’t think the rest of the country is center-left. The Republicans in good standing are, themselves, left of center. Just like their colleagues in good standing, the Democrats. The Republicans in good standing’s job is to “give” the deplorable, not left of center (the constantly leftward shifting center) mob, someone to vote for. Who’s job description is “Not the Democrat”.

  11. @OpenTheDoor September 3, 2018 at 11:13 am

    > I feel we are better than they, it’s not Ferguson.

    And, that, is why they never lose ground. Because taking it back is not who “we” are.

  12. The Microsoft news on my startup page has this story now. Here’s their headline/link:

    “Town Where Sanders Denied Service Saw Unexpected Upside.”

    Once you click the link and get to the article, the headline says “Tourism officials boost marketing efforts in Va. town after Huckabee Sanders restaurant incident.” The article eventually informs the reader that the Red Hen incident brought a negative impact upon the community but it’s clear that the writer did their best to hide this.

  13. LOL! The things Lexington will not do to save the city’s tourism;

    – Apologize formally to Sarah Sanders and family. Invite them back at city’s expense.
    – find a way to make the nutcase owners want to leave town.
    – Make sure the Red Hen Restaurant has new owners who respect their customers.

    In truth, none of this will happen because Lexington is infested with progressive elites and when leftists are in self destruct mode, just get out of the way and enjoy the show.

  14. So some of you already beat me to it… punt this hateful cow and her neutered beta males/soy boys. Raze the restaurant to the ground but instead of sowing the earth with salt, invoke the spirit of S. Truett Cathy, put up a Chick Fil A. Watch the conservatives in the area flock in droves while the pussy hats scream their protests through megaphones for a week. Then they turn on each other in a rabid feeding frenzy when it’s discovered they’ve each been secretly sneaking Jesus’ sublime chicken biscuits.

  15. Case in point in how this works:

    Glover and Co. were coming back from the Smokey Mountains vacay BEFORE this story broke. We originally were going to stop in Winchester, W Va. But I did not want to drive that far in one shot so we looked at other towns and Lexington came up as a possibility then I went to Wiki to look at Lexington and THEY reminded me of the Red Hen incident. I told Mrs G, forget Lexington as a possible stop, eff them, and we can stop at Staunton, Va instead…

    Was going to pick up some .22LR in Staunton, but the store was closed.

    BTW, no burning down of buildings.



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