Tallahassee Florida dynasty ends and a state capital worries – IOTW Report

Tallahassee Florida dynasty ends and a state capital worries

American Thinker: Poor Gwen Graham, daughter of legendary Florida Governor and Senator Bob Graham, who spent more than a quarter of a century in those two statewide elective offices.  She desperately wants a government job, but not just any government job.  In fact, she had one.  She once was the House of Representative District Two Congresswoman for two years.  From all appearances, she did a competent job.  That was until the Florida Legislature gerrymandered her out of it.  The district was divided into such a way that the newly created districts mostly favored Republican voters.  Gwen didn’t have a chance and didn’t run for any of them.  Poor Gwen.

She quietly went back into private life, until she woke up one day and decided to become governor.  She ran hard and had the political winds to her back.  She had a record to run on, a strong base of support, money, a campaign apparatus still in place and a legendary last name. That was until the lowly upstart Mayor of Tallahassee kept her from it.

Mayor Andrew Gillum had trailed throughout the primary season.  In fact, Mayor Gillum trailed a distant fourth place and was in no shape to overcome two millionaires and a billionaire ahead of him.  It wasn’t until the final election night that Mayor Gillum did the impossible.  He snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.  It was a glorious evening for him and his supporters.  Poor Tallahassee.

The people of Tallahassee think they belong to an underappreciated quiet metropolis of sorts that belongs on the main stage.  The Tallahassee underbelly is many Tallahasseans are liberals and believe in a benevolent dictator-style leadership.  They despise rough and rumble (small d) democratic politics where people can say what they think and do what they please.  No, instead, the city succeeds in perpetuating group think by using an unlimited supply of taxpayer cash for television commercials reminding people to pick up their pets’ poop, or to recycle.  Forget about any discussion of the effectiveness of these programs — I can’t count how many “friends” I have lost because I voted for Trump.  This town is bent on accepting whatever mantra is spouted from the DNC or any other liberal organization.

However, this town is home to Mayor Gillum.  Both of which are unfortunately under FBI investigation.   read more

6 Comments on Tallahassee Florida dynasty ends and a state capital worries

  1. Graham was a corrupt bag of Sh**. Don’t need any of his spawn.
    And certainly don’t need some commie, racist “clean” looking neegrow.
    DeSantis, though a little tone deaf, should clean the clock of the “clean” looking corrupt neegrow.

  2. Years ago, when working out at a local gym, Senator Bob Graham showed up and was working out on the treadmills.
    Someone said his daughter was a member. So, I must have seen her, but wasn’t impressed.

  3. Gotnohome,
    Yes, when my mom was alive and residing in Central Florida, Corine was her representative as the district snaked down from Jacksonville via I-4 corridor.
    A couple years ago, that district was redrawn along the I-10 corridor through Tallahassee and, ironically, split off part of District 2, which meant that Gwen no longer had a chance for re-election. Also, ironically, I’m now in that old District 5 some 250miles from where my mom lived.
    Fortunately, Corine is no longer the representative, but we now have Al Lawson, a black congressman, who rose through the ranks of the state legislature. Big Al at one time played basketball for FSU, so, no “Go Gattas” – unfortunately,he is a democrat and brags about voting against tax cuts. It is racially stacked so, our part of Tallahassee/Leon County will probably remain democrat.
    Hell of a note – democrat congressman, all democrats running city and county, and the prospects of socialist Andy fooling enough people to even remotely have a chance of being Governor.


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