My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn’t end well. – IOTW Report

My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn’t end well.

Chicago Tribune: 

They got him. Just as I feared they would.

My nephew Kyle came to live with us this summer after his freshman year of college. Apparently he’s now a deputized member of the cultural-appropriation police.

He hadn’t even unpacked his massive bag of dirty laundry when he made a snide comment about the three straw hats hanging in our hallway collected during our years living in Southeast Asia.

The next day when Kyle and I were backing out of the driveway and I called out “Adios” to my neighbor, Kyle mumbled, “Appropriate much?”

But then the following Saturday, I overheard Kyle ask my wife if we had any sunscreen he could borrow. “Brenna and I are going kayaking.”

I poked my head around the corner. “Mmm. Kayaks. You mean that watercraft appropriated from the Inuit people of the Arctic region?”

Quick on his feet, Kyle recovered and retorted, “I meant to say we’re renting canoes.”

“As in the canoe that was developed by the indigenous people of North America?”

Stymied, Kyle canceled his plans. He and Brenna spent the day sitting quietly on a park bench.

The following Monday our neighbor offered Kyle 50 bucks to move a mound of dirt into his backyard. I was glad to see the boy working. But when I saw he’d helped himself to the wheelbarrow from my shed, I couldn’t help myself.

“Whatcha doing there, McFly?”

“Moving this dirt for some quick cash.”

“Using a wheelbarrow?”


He continued shoveling.

“As in the one-wheeled cart invented by the Chinese?”

Kyle looked at me for a long moment as he processed this information before finally lowering the handles of the wheelbarrow.

He switched to lugging the dirt in a five-gallon bucket. It took him the rest of the afternoon. The job worked out to four dollars an hour.

The next day he was so stiff and sore, Brenna suggested they go stretch out at “Yoga in the Park.” Until I pointed out yoga is a sacred practice rooted in Hinduism.

Brenna went by herself.

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h/t Webonot

22 Comments on My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn’t end well.

  1. @MJA – Yep, the way the ethnocultural collectivists have set it up it is a guaranteed lose.

    If you don’t “culturally appropriate” they call you a white separatist racist and declare that you are unwilling to accept – no, “celebrate”, cultures other than your own. And if you do avail yourself of useful things from another culture, then you’re a filthy appropriator.

    It seems like the only thing they allow without a guaranteed snide comment is lip service.

  2. Jeans,hoodies, beer, soda, hotdogs, hamburgers, filtered cigarettes, 9mm pistols and tennis shoes were invented by whitey for whitey and I don’t see anybody complaining about cultural appropriation on these items.

  3. @Uncle Al – my wife (honky) and I(neegro) were talking about this. If you use stuff from other cultures it’s “appropriation”, not “celebrating diversity”. Why do you think that is?

  4. it’s not about the logic of the argument, it’s only about the scoring of points for the ignorant audience
    argue facts ’till you’re blue in the face … they’re winning on points

  5. Now I’m wondering what Kyle’s dilemma will be when presented with a plate of Dutch style French fries & mayonnaise. His parents must have had enough of his crap and a grudge against the author to pack him off to his uncle’s home for the summer for a bit of revenge.

    If he wasn’t that stupid and gullible before he went to college he needs to change schools ASAP. Maybe he can be rescued from heading down the wrong road. But if he was and stays at the school he’s destined to be a pita & a community parasite all of his days. Unless a good whack on the head by reality makes him snap out of it.

  6. When I was a teen, I would go to this pizza place at the mall. Very good pizza, slices were squared. The only pizza I liked. Turns out, it was a family of Chinese people who owned it. LOL.
    Whatever. Good pizza, don’t care.

  7. Wonderful essay and easily understandable to today’s university intellectual zombies.

    It would be lovely if it went virile there and, instantly, created a wake-up call.
    ….Lady in Red

  8. @TommyBoy in IN:

    @Uncle Al – my wife (honky) and I (neegro) were talking about this. If you use stuff from other cultures it’s “appropriation”, not “celebrating diversity”. Why do you think that is?

    IMO, it is because the whole cultural appropriation thing is a deceitful artifact of anti-white racism fueled by deceitful divide-and-conquer cultural Marxists who see conservatism / individualism as an impediment to their unattainable goal of a society operating in accordance with their view of what human nature should be and not what human nature is. Decrying cultural appropriation as somehow wrong is just another tool to build animosity between those of us who mostly just want to be left the hell alone versus those who want to control the way everybody thinks and acts.

    And now on to celebrating diversity – This is another utterly dishonest term, where “diversity” is used to mean the exact opposite of its standard meaning. Diversity, to the divide-and-conquer forces, describes what people look like or where they came from or what they find sexually attractive, and once an individual is assigned membership in such a category, he is denied the right to exercise diversity of opinion and world view. Thus men such as Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, etc., are not considered to be Black men, and are called Uncle Tom (who was a heroic figure, by the way, a fact not known by those who use the term as a pejorative), or to be “acting White.” To the left, “diversity” means no individualism.

  9. Lovely reply, Uncle Al! ….smile…. (It galls me, too, that no liberal knows who the slave beating blacks Sambo and Quimbo — who murdered Uncle Tom — are, anymore. Stupid meaningless meme that: “Uncle Tom.”)

    And, yep, “diversity” now means anything except diversity in thought.

    I just read an interesting essay:

    The man called for drivers’ licenses with the requisite 73 genders — each a separate amendment, requiring an up/down vote.

    Perhaps there is a lesson here for the cultural appropriation folk? ….smile.
    …..Lady in Red

  10. My niece as well. She is about 13 and her schrool had her ranting over some turtle that got a straw hung in its nose so now we need to ban all plastic straws.

    When you cede the public schools, the colleges and corporations go next. We are clearly at that point.


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