The “Noise of Democracy” – IOTW Report

The “Noise of Democracy”


Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) defended the protests that interrupted the confirmation hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday as the “noise of democracy” — minutes after admitting that he and fellow Democrats had coordinated disruptions to the hearing.

Durbin, delivering his opening statement at the Senate Judiciary Committee, addressed Kavanaugh directly, explaining that if the judge’s children — present in the room — had been frightened by the protests, that was too bad:

This is a different hearing for the Supreme Court than I’ve ever been through. It’s different in what’s happened in this room, just this morning. What we’ve heard is the noise of democracy. This is what happens in a free country, when people can stand up and speak, and not be jailed, imprisoned, tortured, or killed because of it. It is not mob rule. There have been times when it is uncomfortable — I’m sure it was for your children, I hope you can explain this to them at some point — but it does represent what we are about in this democracy.

(The reference to “mob rule” was an allusion to criticism of Democrats’ tactics by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) moments before.)

Durbin went on to say that the protests inside the hearing room were justified because there was “real, genuine concern about [Kavanaugh] changing life-and-death values of this country.” He added that “over and above all those things,” there was outrage that President Donald Trump was “contemptuous of the rule of law.”


24 Comments on The “Noise of Democracy”

  1. “What we’ve heard is the noise of democracy.”

    Sounded more like the noise of paid astroturfing to me. Democracy? No Lil’t Dick Durbin, we live in a Constitutional Republic.

    The lady who screamed out about her wheelchair, she deserves double pay for that line alone.

    On a side note, Cruz’s remarks were brilliant and glad he was the last one up before the break.

  2. Durbin is a lying piece of shit. Always has been, always will be. Even he doesn’t believe his own ramblings. He’s the one who said since blacks ‘believed’ they were brought here in chains, then using the term ‘chain migration’ was a dog whistle for racism and upsets them. He’s either an idiot (which he is not) or he’s disingenuous lying scum. I can’t speak for the rest of democrat dopes, but Durban and Schumer are lower than whale shit.

  3. The democrats sound more and more like the Parliament in the UK and Canada.

    Sorry there Dick, the US is not a democracy. If all the dicks in the democrat/socialist party would read the constitution, they would be enlightened.
    But why muddle up their theatrics with facts?

  4. So, if a Dem president gets to nominate a justice in the future, we on the right can provide the “noise of democracy” for those hearings?

    This also serves as proof that Trump is NOT a fascist, if he was, they would be too fearful to protest.

  5. One of the clowns (spoke before Ted Cruiz) outlined the horrible Roberts gang of five and their evil decisions supporting gun ownership, etc.
    Klobchair also talking about our democracy.
    All complaining about last night’s document dump and their inability to read and review. As if, they ever read the garbage lbills such as the unaffordable Obamacare bill.

  6. Thank God that the scum bag Al Franken isn’t there. Amy Klobuchar’s phony Minnesota nice act is bad enough. She’s another one who thinks she’s there to make a campaign speech.
    Why do they waste their time with any of this? Not ONE of the Democrats on this committee will approve Kavanaugh anyway!
    But he WILL be the next Supreme Court judge.

  7. “This is what happens in a free country, when people can stand up and speak, and not be jailed, imprisoned, tortured, or killed because of it. It is not mob rule.”

    For this statement,
    after Durbin voted to pass obamacare, and as a many-termed Senator who’s done NOTHING about illegal immigration,
    if I could, I would choke the life out of that pile of manure.

  8. I heard Sarsour the cockroach yell “adjourn the hearing” before being escorted out.
    Muslims are not for abortion for muslims, only for the non-believers in their evil moon god. That’s how that works. They think leftists are even stupider than they really are.

  9. We’re hearing the death throes of the Democrat party. Music to my ears. It’s a painful, drawn-out end and I’m extremely happy to keep contributing to their demise.


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