Have the Temperament of Kavanaugh and Judge This Ben Sasse Speech on its Merits – IOTW Report

Have the Temperament of Kavanaugh and Judge This Ben Sasse Speech on its Merits

Never-Trump or not, this speech by Ben Sasse is remarkable.

HT/ janitor

29 Comments on Have the Temperament of Kavanaugh and Judge This Ben Sasse Speech on its Merits

  1. Sasse did a good job there. I can’t stand nevertrumpers but that was good. These hearing are a national embarrassment, and it’s entirely on the libs that it is. How can they stand themselves?

  2. “Congress constantly abdicates its responsibility.”

    Unwittingly, they do so because what we have grown accustomed to Congress controlling has grown far beyond what this branch was designed to do.

    With the current spread of government, this is irreconcilable. There is no fixing this.

    Accept the dysfunction, or reduce the scope of the fed. There is no other path.

  3. The Democrats do not want this judge because he will rule based on what the Constitution actually says. There goal, each and every time, is to seat a judge that will legislate their leftist agenda from the bench. As some liberal lawyer testified, they would prefer 9 Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s on the bench to get their way,”If it were up to me, Justice Ginsberg would have all nine votes,” said Lisa Blatt.

    Kavanaugh should get pushed through, but just imagine what happens when Ginsburg dies. Your going to want the 82nd Airborne standing guard outside.

  4. Ben Sasse R-NE. Wow. He’d bury Schumer D-NY in a debate. Or any other Demorat. They are Kaput. Sasse is an up and comer. He just came to my attention. Scumbags beware. MAGA

  5. I don’t care what your personal thoughts on the man are, that video is spot on. I mean like AMEN brother. Hip hip hurray. Can i get a whoop whoop. Buy that man a beer. Giving them some Sasse. Darn tootin. Mic drop, Sasse out.

  6. This was a great speech and so was Ted Cruz’s. But what is happening on the other side is a breakdown. They are having a mental breakdown and they are also in-turn trying to break down the system. What happened today was a total embarrassment to the United State’s political process. And that is 100% on the democrats.

  7. I remember well the way Robert Bork was treated by Biden and Kennedy/also the way Clarence Thomas was treated by the same duo.
    I also remember that Kagan and Soromyoer,were passed without much fanfare. The nice guy Republicans didn’t accuse them of being lesbians or whores or anything like that. They just went along with the process. Times have changed. Because of Donald Trump. The demorats are back in Borking mode. Tomorrow will be an interesting day. I think Ben Sasse R-NE has set the tone.

  8. Jump back, what’s that sound
    Here she comes, full blast and top down
    Hot shoe, burnin’ down the avenue
    Model citizen zero discipline

    Don’t you know she’s coming home with me?
    You’l lose her in the turn
    I’ll get her…

    Kavanaugh… Kavanaugh
    Kavanaugh… Kavanaugh

    She’s blinding, I’m flying
    Right behind the rear-view mirror now
    Got the feeling, power steering
    Pistons popping, ain’t no stopping now…

    Kavanaugh… Kavanaugh
    Kavanaugh… Kavanaugh

  9. Sasse is Dead right about the cowardly 535, more interested in reelection than legislating good policy.
    That’s why they punted the major decisions to the unaccountable Supremes. And when th y speak it’s ‘settled law’ so they never have to be accountable.

    Campaign Finance
    Shit. Wickard Filburn. A guy growing wheat for his own consumption falls under the interstate commerce clause.

    9 guys (or whatever gender at the time) also succumb to cocktail party and pillow talk pressure.

  10. Moe, I think she’s trying to say it’s joke night. OK, here’s one:

    I recently spent $6,500 on a young registered Black Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn’t even look at a cow. I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyhow, I had the Vet come and have a look at him. He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.

    The bull started to service the cows within two days, all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor’s cows!
    He’s like a machine! I don’t know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ………… but they kind of taste like peppermint.

  11. I happened to catch this live, in the background over late lunch and it caught my ear… Common sense in a congressional hearing. Stunning.
    Compare and contrast to the Dems / Code Pink / hysterical screaming freak show. Maybe some undecided / apathetic / uninvolved citizens noticed it breaking through the background too… Maybe Ben is jumping on the caboose of the Trump train and bringing some fellow travelers with him.

  12. One other thing about these hearings. And I’ve purposely not watched much.

    Was the 19th Amendment a good idea? For many it was. But the majority of women sadly seem to vote with their hormones or their hands out to big daddy government cuz their wombs got a deposit but the checks aren’t coming from the migrant sperm donor.

    And the shrieking broads today were insufferable entitled loudmouth cunts that created more republicans today.

    P.S. I’m not talking about the sane and level headed ladies here on this blog. But you already knew that.

  13. I guess the thing is, and I don’t follow sasse, is that he is against executive overreach, as well as judicial overreach.

    The constitution is very clear about where law is to be written but the Congress has abdicated its role.

    I can appreciate him saying that. He’s right.

  14. Joe6pack. My wife said to me this morning. “What are you going to do today”?
    I said “nothing.”
    She said, ” but you did nothing yesterday.” Hon.
    I said “I know, but I didn’t finish.” Hon.
    That’s what I think of these fucking hearings
    Just listen to these fucking assholes, what a fucking disgrace to this great country.
    NIKE sucks, as so many other billion dollar corporations in this

    great country. Congress sucks. Ben Sasse is right, but let’s see if he follows true.
    This is Moe tom not anoymous.

  15. Anonymous as a woman I tend to agree with you and have often said I’d willingly give up my right to vote if we could turn back the clock and rid ourselves of all this leftist bullshit.
    The only problem is it wouldn’t work because far too many men have became feminized and vote with their feelings, some of them are worse than any woman could ever be.

  16. What an incredible commentary. I usually don’t give NeverTrumpers a pass – making Sasse an exception.

    Sasse is an elite with strong patriot roots. Not making an excuse for Sasse, but what he says in the video may explain exactly why he dislikes President Trump. Sasse doesn’t trust Mr. Trump, a corporate mogul, the will to trust the legislative process. Obviously, short sighted given what President Trump is up against. An excutive order is a quick fix, yet necessary to stop damage done by Obama’s administration.

    Sasse should know better. He said it himself, socialist beurocracy has replaced congressional legislation. BTW, Barry used executive order precisely because he couldn’t get most of his leftist policies approved by Congress. How ironic.

    Sasse needs to cut President Trump some slack, because the president has done more to restore and protect our Representative Republic better than any president before him.

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