Toys Still Found with Lead Paint Decade After Virtual Ban – IOTW Report

Toys Still Found with Lead Paint Decade After Virtual Ban

US PIRG: On Wednesday, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission of BSN Sports rubber critter toys because of lead contamination. Despite Congress enacting stronger protections for toys and other children’s products 10 years ago this month due to a rash of China-manufactured lead contaminated toys, some toys with lead paint contamination are still reaching store shelves and getting into kids’ hands. The CPSC recommends that consumers take the toys away from children and contact the company for a refund. 

5 Comments on Toys Still Found with Lead Paint Decade After Virtual Ban

  1. Not sure why, but my first thought came to Ted Kennedy’s 1984 Immigration Bill. The one filled with enforcement, limiting numbers. After that no funds to enforce and only ignorance that it was an issue. Back then it was pegged at no more than 10 million felony trespassers. Fast forward to 2010, and still it’s only 10 million felony trespassers. That’s math that only worthless politicians needing non-ID votes still did acknowledged. Yet evidence of 36 million identity thefts by felony trespassers is documented. Perhaps the (funded) U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission should have been in charge of enforcing border control.


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