What are the rules of engagement when confronting the next democrat president? – IOTW Report

What are the rules of engagement when confronting the next democrat president?

It seems to be that on social media the left relishes anything and  everything that is thrown at Trump because the strategy now is to simply frustrate him, anger him, and perhaps bait him into a serious misstep that could have dangerous repercussions for the country.

They don’t care. If asked, they would gladly trade a nuked U.S. city (that they somehow got the “deranged” president to uncork on) if it meant Trump’s presidency ended. These are very dangerous and stupid, stupid people we are dealing with.

Earlier today the NY Times published a piece by a supposed Trump administration official that said they are steering the “sick” Trump away from doing reckless things while they think about acting on removing him from office through article 25.

Trump responded-

Does the so-called “Senior Administration Official” really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!

This is just one horse-toothed jackass on Twitter. I’ll leave her unnamed. It doesn’t matter, she makes a fine poster child for “the resistance,” they are all the same.

-Expect the #StableGenius to have a #twittermeltdown…. #TrumpIsUnraveling #BobWoodward‘s book is gonna drive him over the edge.

-Either way it has made Trump even more unglued.

-How much more proof do we need #TrumpIsUnraveling

You see, it’s just about mentally torturing the president. Somehow this is good for the country. It’s “patriotic” to these crunts.

So what are the rules going forward? Say Elizabeth Warren is the next democrat president. What are the boundaries? Has the left considered that?

I never want to see a democrat in the white house again, but if it happens, the current ROE, as outlined by these cretins, will make for interesting times.


18 Comments on What are the rules of engagement when confronting the next democrat president?

  1. The problem is that we can’t “Mueller” a democrat President. No one on our side is that evil.

    It’s like the old joke that ends with God threatening to sue Satan and Satan replying “yeah right, and just where are you going to get a lawyer.”

  2. If the Dems choose a woman candidate again, we’ll just slam her with menopause jokes and keep the debate areas hot as hell. Maybe rattle bottles of calcium tablets while she’s trying to speak. lol.

  3. The next RAT to be President will be illegitimately elected, and what he undertakes as law will provoke the righteous anger of half the Country. The battle cry will be, “you took it, now give it back”. It will be a fight to the end.

  4. Don’t get caught committing a felony. Other than that – no rules. Except for the felony part, these are the new parameters set by the left.

    I’m worried that just when things are looking up, we will send a bunch of Democrats to Congress to fuck things up like they always do.

  5. I was in the book store yesterday and noticed a book with a silly title, Everything Trump Touches Dies.

    Then on the drive home I was listening to Mark Levin rattle off some record unemployment numbers that were a complete contrast to the book title.

    I don’t recall all of them accurately, but they were somewhere in this ballpark: black, Hispanic, Asian unemployment lowest in history, women’s unemployment lowest since 1953, unemployment of whites with only a h.s. diploma lowest in 65 years, and so on. Didn’t sound like everything Trump touched dying to me. It sounded more like his touch created many new jobs being born and many people given opportunity for better lives.

    Any next demomrat president should be confronted about why they want to touch and kill the good news.

  6. @carter September 5, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    > The next RAT to be President will be illegitimately elected, and what he undertakes as law will provoke the righteous anger of half the Country. The battle cry will be, “you took it, now give it back”. It will be a fight to the end.

    With the True Conservatives all flush with victory, after storming the ramparts, tearing down ACA, tossing DACA from a rooftop, and undoing eight years of McCain’s America, a short fight it will be.

  7. How can people who lie and are so hateful have any peace within?

    They have no joy, no sense of wonder, no sense of humor.

    They never learned to love or enjoy life. Now it is too late.

    What a miserable existence.

  8. By then we’ll have AI software video and genuine voice reproduction. Little Running Poontang will be choking on donkey sicks at her former job as a Boystown performance artist in her youth. Have her in a mental ward getting ECT. Gunning down a cop. Snorting coke. Choking little dogs. Check out Unity software.

  9. If we have a Democrat President the rules will be that we are all respectful and not be at all critical of his/her/zhi’s policies because of national unity or some crap like that.

    Isn’t it funny — or sad — how the left makes stuff up, does not prove anything, but says “See, here’s more evidence of how bad Trump is.”

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