Prof. critical of court system suspended for use of N-word – IOTW Report

Prof. critical of court system suspended for use of N-word

Campus Reform: A white Emory University law professor who wrote that the American court juries are “plague[d]” by racism was suspended this week for allegedly using the N-word in class.

In a statement released Wednesday, Emory University condemned Paul Zwier’s use of the term. Zwier told the student newspaper, the Emory Wheel, that he said the word in the context of discussing tort of offensive battery.

Zwier acknowledged to the paper that he should not have used the word and apologized to the class the next day. In a statement released Wednesday, Emory University condemned the incident, saying, “This offensive language was not part of the case law cited. The use of this – or any racial slur – in our community is unacceptable.”  more

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