Jake Tapper: Kavanaugh Hasn’t Given Democrats Reason Not to Vote for Him – IOTW Report

Jake Tapper: Kavanaugh Hasn’t Given Democrats Reason Not to Vote for Him

Big Journalism: As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation extended into its second day Wednesday, CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper argued the Trump pick has yet to give Democrats a reason to vote against him.

Transcript is as follows:

TAPPER: I remember as a young campaign reporter asking then-Governor George W. Bush a hypothetical and he said ‘I’m not gonna walk through a minefield of hypotheticals,’ and that’s exactly what Brett Kavanaugh did. He avoided walking through any sort of the hypothetical minefield because the truth of the matter is you have to have all the information there. By the same token, it is also just a fact that he has his own opinion about Roe v. Wade. You saw some attempt there, by Lindsey Graham, to explore the idea that this is precedent and there’s no real way to get at what exactly might happen on the court, should that come before the court.

BLITZER: He did show a tremendous knowledge of a lot of these legal issues, given the fact that he spent 12 years on a federal court here in Washington.

TAPPER: Not only that. As somebody who’s been steeped in politics, as somebody who has worked in politics in the Bush White House. Another place he showed that he is political is he has a way of answering questions that is what he is supposed to say at any given moment, including expressing humility. In terms of talking about his children. In terms of playing up his role as a father and somebody who does charity work. “In terms of the politics of this hearing, I don’t think any Democrats as of yet have laid a glove on him and given any Republican, and also those swing Democrats, any reason not to vote for him.    WATCH

10 Comments on Jake Tapper: Kavanaugh Hasn’t Given Democrats Reason Not to Vote for Him

  1. “Another place he showed that he is political is he has a way of answering questions that is what he is supposed to say at any given moment, including expressing humility.” – Jake the Snake

    Yep, that is precisely what tripped Bork down the rabbit hole, being honest, instead of political.

  2. @OpenTheDoor September 6, 2018 at 11:24 am

    > Yep, that is precisely what tripped Bork down the rabbit hole, being honest, instead of political.

    It’s not as if he’s applying for a real job. He want’s to be a pol. For life.

  3. Democrats essentially have two litmus tests: abortion and judicial activism. If a judicial nominee is prepared, the abortion issue can be finessed regardless of the candidate’s personal views on the issue.

    Judicial activism, at least with regard to Kavanaugh, should not be important to Democrats – they don’t want Kavanaugh to be a judicial activist. (Incidentally, neither do I). The Roe v. Wade issue is important to the Democrats, but from what I read about Kavanaugh, he will follow the process regardless of his personal views on the subject. For me, reigning in the power of the Federal government under the interstate commerce clause is more important – although admittedly a more boring subject.

    A primary issue, which so far has not really surfaced, with regard to judicial activism is gun control. But I don’t see the Democrats bringing this front and center because of the impending midterms and the political damage it would likely cause to them. Democrats love judicial activism because it gives them an avenue to evade the legislature on issues in which they are the minority, but only if the judicial activist is a Ruth Bader Ginsburg type.

  4. ^^^Roseanne Rosannadanna moment:

    Sen Booker knew BEFORE he made these statements – that the documents in question had already been cleared for release.


  5. Corey Booker and Kamala Harris are the Siegfried and Roy tag team of the Senate. Yeah, they’re that obvious and cheesy.

    Btw, who values Jake Tapper’s opinion on anything?

  6. The Dems are as agains Brett as the GOP left is, and has been for 9 years, against RomneyCare.
    Ted nailed it yesterday with his Shakespeare quote!

    RomneyCare is “law of the land” even though GOP controls both houses. Politicians – other than Ron – lie. they pretend to be against things they are in fact for.

    Brett will be a Supreme Halloween!

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