Cynthia Nixon’s Solution To Funding Universal Health Care? She’ll Figure It Out Later – IOTW Report

Cynthia Nixon’s Solution To Funding Universal Health Care? She’ll Figure It Out Later

DC— Democratic New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon hasn’t come up with a plan to fund her campaign promise of health care for all, but she made it known on Wednesday that it is not a deciding factor on whether or not to enact the measure.

“Pass it and then figure out how to fund it,” Nixon told The New York Daily News, when asked how to pay for the New York Health Act (NYHA).

The NYHA would institute a statewide universal health care system that could cover all New York state residents, including illegal aliens. While Nixon did not explicitly suggest how to pay for the costly program, she cited a RAND Corporation report that outlined raising various state taxes. A study by the RAND Corporation estimated that tax revenue would need to increase over 150 percent by 2022 in order finance the system.  more here

15 Comments on Cynthia Nixon’s Solution To Funding Universal Health Care? She’ll Figure It Out Later

  1. The liberal answer to life. Expect everyone else to fund your pipe dream, because you’re an insipid useless life form. This is what happens when actors open their mouths without having someone with a brain write their words for them.

  2. Worst case scenario: NY elects Nixon, FL elects Gillum, taxes in both states shoot through the roof, more illegals and various parasites move in, about 30 other states can expect a flood of refugees from NY & FL.

  3. As a one-time temporary solution, impose an exit tax on residents leaving New York. That way, there will be enough money so that Nixon can finish her term and then retire with a very generous taxpayer funded pension while the NYHA collapses.

    Another solution would be to hold a contest to find the luckiest person in New York, and then pay that person to pick numbers for the various state lotteries that are now in vogue.

    Nixon could also raise the deposit on bottles of soda. “That will be $1.49 for the Diet Coke, and $567.00 for the deposit.” The state then makes it impossible to return bottles and claim the deposit refund – something government is actually good at.

    Finally, New York should consider closing all of its schools and using that money to fund the NYHA. Obviously, if anyone is inclined to vote for Nixon, trying to educate these people is a waste of time and money.

  4. Unicorn farts, pixie dust, and birthday candle wishes is no way an actual adult would fund a massive expenditure like this.
    But then again, she has the grasp of reality of a toddler.


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