Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s Big, Bold Sign at Kavanaugh Hearing Had Some Embarrassing Spelling Errors – IOTW Report

Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s Big, Bold Sign at Kavanaugh Hearing Had Some Embarrassing Spelling Errors

Law&Crime: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) wanted to make a grand display when he challenged Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the issue of recusal.

Whitehouse brought up a West Virginia case where it was said that a judge should not sit in a case where he had received $3 million in support from one of the parties. The idea was whether the litigant had a significant and disproportionate influence over the judge, and the Supreme Court said that the Constitution required the judge to recuse himself.

Whitehouse then went on to compare this to what might happen if a case involving President Donald Trump were to end up before the Supreme Court, and whether Trump would have a disproportionate influence on justices he appointed.

Those in attendance may have been distracted from the substance of Whitehouse’s message, however, because his oversized placard had multiple giant, bold-type spelling errors.


Two horribly misspelled words in one phrase? Now that’s talent.  more here

25 Comments on Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s Big, Bold Sign at Kavanaugh Hearing Had Some Embarrassing Spelling Errors

  1. Whitehouse’s staff will be caned forthwith. These grasping leftists are all insane and need to be treated as such. Where is Sanger when you need the bitch.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Well influnce does rhyme with dunce. And propitiate means to appease like in appeasing the gods, appeasing hunger etc. I can see a Snickers commercial here to appease hunger as well as stupidity. So does dispropitiate mean that they’re dissing appeasement or that they’re too stupid to tell that they can’t spell right. Next time maybe they should appease the spell checkers (the gods of the copybook headings) to make sure they know what the hell that they’re talking about. Or it could just be a Freudian slip and a mispronunciation.

  3. Proper spelling of da Kangz English is white supremacy.

    So any judge appointed by Obama should not be able to weigh in on Trump overturning one of his Executive Orders either.

    Any Supreme Court Justice who has vented their elderly spleen about Trump being elected or had a CNN hagiography about them being a partisan liberal activist should recuse themselves if any of his policies come before the court.

    I’ll hold my breath on that happening. Liberals do not recuse. They will lie to your face about being able to separate their personal beliefs from doing their job but will always demand a conservative to because that what Alinskyism is.

    All while the same people who set Trump’s people up to meet Russians oversee the prosecution for something they know didn’t happen.

  4. If proper pronunciation of da Kangs English is white supremacy then I must obviously be a white supremacist. At least I paid attention growing up to learn how to read and spell right. And hukd on ebonics would’ve never worked on me because I’m not black and stupid like the left deliberately does to keep black people and ignorant whites on the dumbass plantation.

  5. MJA September 7, 2018 at 8:32 am

    They sent it to the printers spelled just like that.
    They spell and print exactly like you tell them to.
    The copy was sent to the printer which was enlarged only to print it. You’re correct that the error came from within the Dems work force. They can’t place the blame on anyone but themselves. It’s not up to the printer to proofread. (I use to be in the printing/publishing business).


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  1. Sen. Whitehouse Condemns Federalist Society, but Whitehouse himself has spoken at an event hosted by them – IOTW Report

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