The Trump-haters’ credibility problem – IOTW Report

The Trump-haters’ credibility problem

American Thinker:

The media are again having a collective orgasm because an anonymous writer has penned an opinion piece scathing to Trump.  This writer is said to be credible because other anonymous sources have told the media the same things in the past.

I saw the known liar John Brennan on the Today Show talking about how dangerous Trump was and how this opinion piece was credible.

Bob Woodward has a new book with a lot of anonymous people supposedly quoting what others have said about Trump.  Woodward’s quotes are said to be credible because the media have heard these anonymous sources and quotes before.  The fact that Kelly and Mattis said they didn’t utter those words is irrelevant, because that just doesn’t fit the agenda.

In July, CNN ran a story from a credible anonymous source saying Cohen had the goods on Trump on Russia and was willing to squeal.  Journalists wet their pants as they repeated this credible story.  A few days later, the anonymous source, Lanny Davis, came forward to say he just made the stuff up.  Lanny Davis was the mouthpiece of the Clintons.

The retractions to the story were pretty quiet, and Bernstein and CNN still stand by the false story.

Ben Rhodes admitted that the Obama administration used the media to spread false stories on the Iran deal.

Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama administration continually lied to pass Obamacare, and the media willingly spread those lies.

The media willingly spread the fictional “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative that ginned up racial hate, hate of cops, and violence.

The Duke rape case was fictional and used to gin up racial hate against rich white kids.

The Rolling Stone magazine ran a fictional rape case story that destroyed people’s lives, and other media outlets repeated the story.

The NYT had a reporter who for years wrote false stories:

Jayson Blair, a young Times reporter, lied and faked and cheated his way through story after story – scores of them, for years.  He fabricated sources, plagiarized material from other publications, and pretended to be places he never went.

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13 Comments on The Trump-haters’ credibility problem

  1. Hearsay is NOT allowed in court – with a limited number of exceptions – like dying declarations but it is the primary grist for the lefts propaganda mill. The sad part is that it works all to well for them.

  2. These POS come forward
    ad seriatem
    to present nothing but anonymous
    condemnations without PROOF
    The Communist Party USA
    ( The smelly democrats )
    demand you accept their
    unsubstantiated allegations as fact because
    they’re democrats !

  3. The media has such a credibility problem that they are attacking the President of the United States for calling them “fake news.” But then major media outlets like the New York Times double down by relying on anonymous sources.

    Anonymous sources may have some value as background (but not confirmation) for a worthwhile news story broken or promoted by a real, reliable and identified person and actually confirmed by real, reliable and identified people. But too many in the the leftist media promote anonymous sources as the truth, confirmed by other anonymous sources who more often than not are relying on hearsay stories from still other anonymous sources these other anonymous sources may or may not know, or who may or may not even exist. If I smell a small pile of bullshit, heaping a much larger pile of bullshit on it will not make it smell any better.

    So Trump is a mean, petty, unintelligent, mentally unstable and clueless bastard who presents a grave danger to the security of the United States and perhaps the world. Really? If I knew this, then for the sake of the common good, and perhaps for the continuation of the world as we know it, I would stand up, identify myself and try to do something about it.

  4. …and why wasn’t Blair fired? A little matter of racial privilege…

    Then there was the female reporter who wrote about the life of a…what was it, 8-year-old, junkie? All made up.

    P.S. I saw a leftist’s post claiming the op-ed has to be true, as it matches what other people have said in the press. Never occurred to him that they were ALL fake — let alone that it was organized. That’s why they’re so “duh” about what “fake news” is. They’ll post one fact, say about indictments and say “See? See? It wasn’t fake,” without considering that the whole investigation is made up.

  5. On another blog I go to, there is a leftist ignoramous who dismissed without reading, the Louis Gohmert unmasking of Bob Mueller, because Gohmert is a Trump supporter. Same idiot eats up the anonymous NYT bullshit with a spoon. You can’t fix stupid.

  6. Stop picked on GWB!?!@#! Everyone knows he was a bad President; and hates conservatives! His approval rating of ~40% from ’02 to ’08 is proof positive he was a bad President. So leave him alone! GWB has been gone for 10 years! Back off.

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