Within Hours Snopes Attempts To Come to the Rescue of Beto O’Rourke – IOTW Report

Within Hours Snopes Attempts To Come to the Rescue of Beto O’Rourke

This Texan Has Had Enough sent in a story about Beto O’Rourke’s campaign requesting American flags be removed from a rally at a VFW.

From the Navasota Examiner:

“I do not normally attend rental events, but I attended Saturday to make sure things ran smoothly,” said Dry, who noted there were only two requests he could not allow at the VFW Post. “They wanted to open the doors (to the Flight Deck Lounge) and I couldn’t allow that and they wanted to take the flags down, I didn’t only say no, I said hell no, you don’t take the flags off the wall. I can’t believe any American would ask us to do that and I don’t know why he wanted them down or what he was going to put up instead.”

more HERE

I wanted to see if there were any other outlets that had more of the story. Lo and Behold, in record time, Snopes jumped in trying to run defense for Beto. (When have they ever don that for someone on the right?)

We reached out by email to Joe Cunningham, the managing editor of RedState.com (we were unable to locate contact information for TheResurgent.com). Cunningham said that with the information currently available, they were standing by the story:

Based on your email and the story itself, I don’t see enough evidence to make a decision one way or the other (because we don’t know who said it doesn’t mean that the O’Rourke campaign did not, and if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that campaigns and politicians may not always be on the up-and-up) but I do trust [writer] Brandon Morse’s news judgment.

He invited the O’Rourke campaign to contact him with further evidence.

Alas, the best Snopes could do for Beto was to say the story was “unproven.” (Which means they couldn’t prove the story to be false.)


15 Comments on Within Hours Snopes Attempts To Come to the Rescue of Beto O’Rourke

  1. Another grass-stained knee fool. Heard Ted Cruz on the radio today talking about a video of Beto proclaiming kneeling during the national anthem was the most patriotic thing act a person could do had gone viral. And retweets by Ellen Degeneras & Kevin Bacon.

    https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/watch-beto-orourke-talk-trumps-texas-visit-nfl-kneeling-viral-video-on-ellen-719245/ .

    And bravo to the VFW hall for not caving like Georgetown University when they covered Christian crosses at Obama’s request before he would give a speech there. Symbols of what you believe in shouldn’t be covered or removed to accommodate someone who doesn’t honor the same things the institution says they believe in. Tell them to go elsewhere, some place out of sight, very hot, & unpleasant.

  2. Texas is under attack by those dirty califuctard scumbag invaders. Texans should start randomly attacking and severly beating transplants from califucktard, maybe even killing some in drunken gang assaults, in order to remind them Brokeback Mountain was make believe homo propaganda from queer Holywood pedophiles and pedarasts. Its not real… and queers from califucktard will pay the price for trying to homoize Texas. You only need to make examples of a few of them, if it is severe enough, the others will take notice.

  3. @MikeBrown, Yea, Texas, also Florida and North Carolina are being invaded by the north-east and west-coast progressives fleeing and rebooting from their own voting destructions only to repeat it in a warmer climate. It’s sickening.

  4. I’m at the point where even if it’s Fake News, f–k ’em, run it up the flagpole anyway and I hope it spreads like wildfire and causes Beta to lose by three more points. We are supposed to believe some anonymous bitch at NYT, but the VFW guy is a liar? I don’t think so.

  5. I looked at the story and others on Snopes. One, about Kavanaugh’s kids being escorted from the hearings due to protesters is typical of Snopes. They identify Fox and the Washington Examiner as “conservative”. They don’t identify NPR or the Washington Post as “liberal”. So Fox and the Examiner say one thing, NPR and the Post say the opposite, so Snopes sides with those two and declares the story “Mostly False”.

  6. B-hole O’Rourke is a burggerler and drunk driver whom tried to flee the scene of an accident while driving drunk. B-hole is also a Over tax, over spend libturd. Snopes is as useful as used toilet paper.

  7. Yes, I spelled it “burggerler”. He’s Taco Bells new tacobuggerler. Sad that all Democraps are rapist or convicted criminals. What is the saddest of all, is that local and national media have made themselves irrelevant and made themselves a threat to very Constitution they hide behind.

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