It was the “Mother of All Bombs” Alright – IOTW Report

It was the “Mother of All Bombs” Alright

Here’s an update on a story that was first touted by a reader at The Conservative Treehouse.

iOTW readers were a little skeptical. My own title indicated a bit of fatigue with the type of stories that say “something big is coming”—>  Don’t be a tease, I need some action.

Leave it to Sundance to do the research and unearth that something was afoot with the story.


25 Comments on It was the “Mother of All Bombs” Alright

  1. CoD — I don’t understand your criticism of Sundance. What has he done that causes you to write this? What does “block-happy egomaniacs” mean? I’m a little slow on some of this stuff.


  2. Block-happy is self-explanatory.
    He seems to live off of adulation of his commenters
    (not quite as bad as earlier, but that’s also because the site is getting filled with troll commenters).
    …and coming here (he or C*ntStella) to tell me I’ve been defenestrated didn’t help.

    I’m more concerned with other fine researchers/analysts (e.g. TracyBeanz and many many others) getting all wrapped up in this too personally and allowing the friction to take away from their work towards the election and beyond.

  3. CoD — Oh, I did not know that “self-explanatory” term. Thanks.

    Do you think Sundance is responsible for the so-called “adulation”, or might it be that his readers are? It seems more like a chicken/egg problem, doesn’t it?

  4. AA, this isn’t about me, so I’m dropping it here.
    He’s an okay researcher, though I prefer others “in our basket” out in the ether.

    Block-happy just means someone who blocks people left and right, for small, no or arbitrary reasons.

  5. CoD — Well, I just noticed your comment here about him on the heels of something you wrote about CTH on the other OANN thread, so I wanted to understand where you were coming from. It seemed important enough to you to comment about him, so I just wanted to know why. Sundance was only one of a very few Trump-supporting sites during the campaign and election and I have no doubt he worked time and overtime to help get him elected. I’d hate to see his integrity disparaged over a matter of personalities. We need a lot more like him — and there’s room enough for everyone, right?


  6. TO grool

    That “vet him yourself” remark was made to lastrefuse by TracyBeanz, I believe. Both being online researchers, I suspect it was just an offhand remark, not intended as any sort of dismissiveness.

  7. CoD — It’s sounding like there is some sort of online competition between factions over who figures out and reports on all this deep state stuff. Am I reading between the lines accurately?

  8. Czar…. I was blocked by Sundance long long ago because I don’t support forced birthing. …smile…

    He is one hell of a researcher, however, and his analysis is, often, powerful. I try not to let the personal stuff get in the way.
    ….Lady in Red

  9. TO Abigail Adams
    I wouldn’t call it “competition” (though competing egos always DO come into play…we’re all human…) as much as a disinfo campaign from the Left designed to disrupt our momentum.

    THAT’S one big reason I’m sensitive to those who block, whether it’s hfinch61, tracybeanz, sundunce…whomever.

    We GOTTA hold together and move this across the finish line!

    See my GOPPollAnalyst link above and also:

  10. Everyone has an opinion about Q. I purposely didn’t comment on the first Q post yesterday, as I had already posted a lengthy comment on Q several weeks ago.

    The reportforthepresident “teaser” courtesy of Tracy Beanz, popped up on my YouTube timeline early last week, so I listened to it, and didn’t give it another thought.

    Tracy B is another one who’s steadily gained a large following back when Q first came on the scene. It was too convenient that she turned up on every spin off channel, from the first trio pushing Q (one named Pamphlet), none of which would show their faces, all using voice masking enhancers. Next she linked up with Jerome Corsi. ‘Nuff said.

    Yesterday when she was challenged on this latest “WOW, just WOW” covert money making scheme, she announced on Twitter that she’d be going dark to prepare for the hurricane. She lives in PA, and even if she were in DC, Florence is no threat.

    Her next “project” was announced via Periscope, in DC with Brandon, the guy who started the #WalkAway trend. They’re holding a rally on The Mall in DC, and asking for donations. I just hope the WA movement isn’t tarnished by her affiliation.

    I don’t begrudge anyone their belief in these various crowd sourcing platforms, some more interesting than others. But when I see the same names attached to every OH WOW movement, the “sky is falling or boy who cried wolf” alarms engage.

  11. EE (Engelburka Engelburka) — Wow! lol

    I’ve been so busy this summer that I haven’t paid any attention to Q (or R,S,T,U, or V, either). But now that I’ve spent more time this weekend getting to know — or at least reading about — some of these others, my initial reaction is that people, in general, are getting ensnared in the politics of these peoples’ personal interactions with one another more than what they are presenting. Not sure how to articulate it better than that. That, to me, is a sure sign that our attention and energy is being siphoned off the prize (the upcoming mid-terms). But, to what end? Well, one of the warnings (maybe that is too strong a word), one of the reminders of Joe Prosebiac of OANN was to be cautious about anonymous online information. I don’t know any of these people, but I would be highly suspicious of anyone promoting exclusive information if it was also connected to — especially to — some kind of unrelated money-making enterprise, like building/monetizing websites. It’s bad enough, I think, that many are making “Q” into a money-making venture. It’s not illegal, but it does seem unethical to make monetizing much-sought-after information the vehicle for the bigger goal of making as much money off it as possible. Tee shirts, coffee mugs, apps, flags, you name it. It all has the look and feel of “Sham Wow!”, doesn’t it?

  12. I also was blocked a long time ago by “Stella” at CTH for a very mild criticism of how block-happy they were. “She” included an insult to my mother before blocking me.

  13. FWIW, the whole I mention possible Leftist involvement (8:03am) is that
    the reaction among Right bloggers has been SO over the top,
    it’s hard to believe this was just a “scam attempt” by a few inept crooks on the Right, trying to make a buck off of MAGA (though Occam’s Razor says the simplest usually IS the right answer).

  14. Well, Callie, I hope you don’t stop reading Sundance. There are gems there.

    I think of being blocked as keeping me from spending time commenting all the time, but, thinking instead. ….smile… ….Lady in Red

    PS: BTW, there is a Lady in Red on the site. I’ve never seen the moniker anywhere else however. It ain’t me, though.

  15. L-I-R – I did stop reading for a while, but I do check them out when I’m pointed there from IOTWR or others for a particularly interesting post. BTW, since I moved and have a different provider, I am no longer blocked, but really don’t care to comment there at all. Some posts are interesting but most commenters are in their own little clique that I don’t care to be a part of.

  16. LIR — I’ve winnowed my regular blog viewing down to under five or six, including CTH. I scan the headlines because that’s all I’ve got time to do. IOTW is the only one I comment on. Geoff C. likes MOTUS because the commenters there add so much in the way of their own links, gifs and videos. Since the election, I’ve been focused more on reports directly from the WH or the Cabinet heads. It saves time because they all go directly to my email or twitter.

  17. AA.
    You get it. My intention is not to impugn good ppl in search of the truth, but to trust your intuition/common sense to discern “truth backed up with facts/results” v scam artists in it for a buck.

    I use the guy Praying Medic as an example. He’s a soft spoken “Christian” (?, maybe) well researched, advocate for Q, probably considered the foremost expert in deciphering Q’s breadcrumbs. He should be. He has past experience in this business model.

    I regularly watched his videos, so much so, like Tracybeanz, his vids would be at the top of my YouTube picks. PS that’s how similar subject matter is generated “for your viewing pleasure” gratis YT/FB/Twitter/Google etc., most of which gets nuttier as the algorithms do their thing.

    I digress… back to Praying Medic. I started digging to see what I could find on him pre Q. Came across a video where he was a guest on some obscure Christian program, where he talked about God speaking to him in his dreams. OK, some people consider that a form of prophetic messaging. That’s a personal thing, to each their own. However, at the end of the segment, he was hawking some sort of vitamin supplements (a MLM program), to “enhance well being, in step with God…..”.

    I also looked at his website, which appears to be pre Q, as well as his current business of deciphering Q, combined. He must have 50 self published books, all utilizing the spiritual/dream/warfare guided theme. One in particular that was a bridge too far for me: American Sniper, Lessons in Spiritual Warfare (replete with a Chris Kyle-like soldier in uniform on the cover).

    In summary, I think we’re no longer “in search of the truth” phase …. we’ve had our suspicions confirmed, we know the truth and all of it’s ugliness.
    No, we’re in search of, and demand, action, accountability, correction and restoration of our govt and judicial systems, and to be waylaid by infighting and warring factions with possible ulterior motives, and certainly monetary gain, serves no one, and in fact may be detrimental to ppl who put their trust/belief in outcomes/timelines that may prove to be futile.

  18. EE — Dang! That was an excellent summary. Thank you!

    I think you said this in another way: The “Q” phenom and other “in-the-know-secret” bloggers and such are perfect answers to those who are feeling very insecure (and who isn’t?) about discovery, exposure and prosecution of all those who have certainly committed crimes against the people, both from within the gov’t, the media and others. So many years, so many crimes that have gone unprosecuted and died an agonizing death on the floor of some congressional oversight committee. A couple of elections later and those crimes are long forgotten: Fast and Furious, Pigford, Black Panthers, ad nauseum, have set the precedent for a double standard in justice. Add to that Sessions’ AWOL, Wray’s “training seminars”, Rosenstein running the DoJ, two years’ worth of Mueller Witch Hunt….

    It’s no wonder at all that something like “Q” or a BLM, for that matter, takes root in the colossal void where our highest law enforcement is absent and/or corrupt, either not cooperating with oversight or sending millions of pages of black ink to them.


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