The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shed approximately 1,200 jobs as roughly 1,600 employees departed and fewer than 400 new employees were hired during President Donald Trump’s first 1 1/2 years in office.
Departing employees included “at least 260 scientists, 185 ‘environmental protection specialists’ and 106 engineers,” according to the Washington Post.
The EPA’s workforce is now down 8 percent to a size it has not been since former president Ronald Reagan was in office, reported the WaPo. More
Guess they won’t need all of their budget. MAGA!
Don’t hire any. Really clean it out. Do the same with all the rest of the alphabet soup federal agencies.
Pro-Tip, EPA: stick to clean air and water (at most).
Folk…. I “work” with the EPA and let me tell you: there is No One there.
My contact “works” at home two days a week. ….wink-wink…. and, other than that, she’s overwhelmed the rest of the time with her workload…. …..or in off-site “training.”
All the simple work — like answering the phones, dealing with the public about environmental issues, providing support for their access databases — is done by third party contractors.
…Lady in Red
Maybe if there were fewer EPA busybodies we wouldn’t have had the disastrous 2015 Gold King Mine toxic waste water spill.
1,200 employees represents 8% of their workforce? I think I see what the problem is, and so does President Trump.
Hide and Seek for $2k a Week
Pretty much sums up most Gov’t Jobs (Pay fluctuating of course)
Good! Keep going, w epa and all the rest. The fed govt is an overfed beast that needs to shed several hundreds of lbs. Shutting down these money wasting make work outfits will save $$ and remove some leftists from the govt and dc area.
What do you call an eight percent reduction in EPA staff?
A good start.
Taking away their S.W.A.T. capabilities too?
That’s crazy stuff that needs to go.
Selling off all that 40s&w ammo that was allotted to them would be a good place to start.