Why is this constantly being reported as WHITE cop shoots innocent BLACK guy in his apartment? – IOTW Report

Why is this constantly being reported as WHITE cop shoots innocent BLACK guy in his apartment?

What’s with this stressing of white and black in the story?

Dallas officer who mistook apartment for own, killed occupant is arrested for manslaughter.

Oregon Live-

A white Dallas police officer was arrested Sunday on a manslaughter warrant in the shooting of a black man at his home, Texas authorities said.

AP- A white Dallas police officer who says she mistook her black neighbor’s apartment for her own when she fatally shot him was arrested on a manslaughter charge.

NPR-  The killing sparked shock in the community — and speculation about whether Guyger’s explanation should be taken at face value. And then there’s the element of race: Guyger is white; Jean was black.

ABC- A white Dallas police officer who says she mistook her black neighbor’s apartment for her own when she fatally shot him was arrested on a manslaughter charge.

The Star- A white Dallas police officer was arrested Sunday on a manslaughter warrant in the shooting of a Black man at his home, Texas authorities said.

Chicago Tribune- A white Dallas police officer who shot and killed a black neighbor in his home and later said she mistook his apartment for her own parked on the wrong floor of the complex’s garage after getting home from work that night, the city’s mayor said.

WAPO-  Guyger’s apartment key was found in Jean’s door, suggesting that she had tried to open it, Merritt said. Seeing a black man inside an apartment she thought was hers influenced her actions, Merritt concluded.

USA Today- The 30-year-old Guyger, who is white, fatally shot 26-year-old Botham Jean on Thursday.


It’s not like she was shouting “Allahu BLACKbar” when she shot, is it?

I mean, all of these publications usually leave out the part that someone was Muslim when they intentionally murder infidels. But now they seem to have a reason to point out that in an accidental shooting the shooter was white and the victim black.

The implication that she only shot because the guy was black is asinine. If the guy was white she would have what, shimmied off her panties?

JD Hasty, the tipster has an alternative theory for the SJWs to chew on.

Maybe this was a case of misandry.

Perhaps men should take to the streets in protest of this blatant female on male crime!!!!


So sick of this “SCARY MEN” thing women have in their head. It has to end, and it will only end when me, the white Sharpton, goes to every town this happens in and shakes them down.

(My God, JD Hasty is a genius!  Who’s in??)



35 Comments on Why is this constantly being reported as WHITE cop shoots innocent BLACK guy in his apartment?

  1. It only matters when the perpetrator and the victim both fit in certain categories.
    – Then it evokes a scandal of epic proportions
    – Otherwise it is ignored
    The media has an agenda, after all

  2. Is the Dallas PD doing ‘equal rights’ hires?
    Across the country cities have been pushing all colors and both sexes into jobs they don’t belong in. She could be one of those.
    Remember that muslim cop that shot Justine Damon up in Minnesota?

  3. My theory.
    She returns to her apartment dog tired after a long day.
    She tries to open the wrong door. They look similar.
    He opens the door, surprising her.
    She thinks he has been waiting in ambush in her apartment.
    She draws her service weapon and fires.
    She recently shot a male perp that attacked her and took away her taser.
    That adrenaline charged experience was probably dominating her thinking.
    She is in big trouble, and if she had a beer on the way home she’ll be in even more trouble.

  4. When I was a kid, the guy from the apartment above walked right into our’s at dinner time.
    My mother was screaming like she was being bludgeoned.

    (Incidentally. The guy’s key worked in our door.)

  5. The cookie cutter buildings suck royal ass. So ‘modern,’ no personality, and section 8 looking. Pfft.
    If there isn’t already, there should be some sort of vivid markings on each floor. Or maybe a sign that says, ‘pay attention so you don’t fucking kill anyone trying to get into the wrong apartment’. lol

  6. A co-worker of mine told me that as a child she lived in an area where the houses were exactly the same color, the same height, same trees, etc.
    In the winter time the snow would pile up and she wouldn’t even know what street she was on. LOL.

  7. The other point they highlight is she was a police officer. But if she wasn’t on a call why does that matter. They way they report this on the radio you’d almost assume it is a white officer shooting an innocent black man story.

  8. Not only did they mention in the article that she was white and he was black, they mentioned it at least 5 times to make sure you noticed it. Since black on white crime is much more prevalent than white on black, where are all the news stories that point out THAT fact.

  9. ^^^^^ I did that around a year ago. I got in!!! I only noticed something was up because it smelled like cigarettes.

    If some dude was asleep in the back seat, at night, I might shoot him. Who knows?

    If I’m a cop, and the guy is black, forget about it.
    Every picture of me giving an OKAY sign would have me in the Ku Klux Klan.

    News today is FAKE!!!!

  10. I don’t know if this is true — or a joke:

    Old lady came out of a grocery store in Florida only to see two men getting in her car. She set down the groceries, pulled a gun and screamed, “Get away from that car! I have a gun and I know how to use it!”

    They ran — fast.

    Then, she realized it was all a mistake, not her car. Chagrined, she went to the police station to report the mistake only to be confronted by the two victims trying to explain to a disbelieving sergeant how their car was hijacked by some gun-toting old lady. ….smile…. ….Lady in Red

  11. I have a feeling that this may have been a “domestic dispute” that escalated. The whole narrative of her entering the wrong apartment doesn’t make sense, especially if her key didn’t work. How did she get the door open? My bet is that she’s using a “mistaken identity/wrong place/wrong time” excuse as her defense in an effort to avoid harsher punishmet. Manslaughter versus murder.

  12. Was she drunk?

    It’s possible to walk into the wrong apartment, but how long does it take to recognize, after one sees someone else there, that it’s the wrong apartment? Was all the furniture the same? No pausing, even with gun drawn?

    Woman deserves to be in prison, and CERTAINLY not on the police force!

    Too many affirmative action hires.

  13. True embarrassing story. I was at a race track and accidentally went into the men’s bathroom.
    I’m in the stall and I hear a man’s voice then I hear him unzipping his pants and then him peeing. I’m sitting there thinking some damn drunk is in the women’s bathroom and is pissing in the sink.
    So I stayed in the stall and waited on him to leave and then to my embarrassment as I looked at the sink debating on just skipping washing my hands, not knowing which sink he pissed in I notice on the wall beside the sink a urinal.
    At that point I hurried out of the bathroom before anyone else came in. lol

    BTW, I don’t know who designed that bathroom, but it’s kind of gross that the urinal is right beside the sink.

  14. Know your neighbors. If she had recognized the guy, had waved to him in the hall frequently, knew his name, knew he was a neighbor of hers, she would have confronted him differently if she believed him to be in her apartment. A “why are you in my apartment?” would have led to, “This is MY apartment!” Problem solved. She apologizes. Nobody gets shot.

  15. I lived on the 9th floor apartment in base housing at Yakota, one day I got off the elevator on the 7th floor and walked right into the wrong apartment, through the hall and into the living room before I realized my screwup. I just turned around and left.

  16. She was possibly doing the guy on the down-low and he dumped her. She didn’t like it. I worked with a woman who blew a guys face off with a pistol after she woke him up while straddling him. She fled thinking he was dead but he lived and called 911. When she knew the gig was up, she blew her brains out rather than go to prison.

  17. So…this woman walks into an apartment that SHE DIDN’T FURNISH and doesen’t realize it’s NOT HERS??? Something smells like shit and I know I didn’t step in anything!

  18. Ok, so why didn’t she just back up take cover and call for assistance? Instead she decided to go all Barney Fife trigger happy.
    I get the part of thinking she was in her apartment, but having a problem with shoot first, ask questions later – consequences.
    She probably is a member of the #MeToo Man Haters Club, a terrible cop and just plain crazy. Really don’t think this guy was any threat to her. She was overcome by panic and fear.


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