Anita Hill Wants A “Fair And Neutral” SCOTUS Process – IOTW Report

Anita Hill Wants A “Fair And Neutral” SCOTUS Process

What Supreme Court Nomination would be complete without Anita Hill weighing in on the process? The accuser who did her level best to torpedo the Clarence Thomas appointment to the Supreme Court, Hill is now a professor at Brandeis University.

Hill recommends that the Senate Judiciary Committee hear all accusers of sexual misconduct without mentioning that perhaps such allegations should be fully investigated before hand by the FBI. More  

10 Comments on Anita Hill Wants A “Fair And Neutral” SCOTUS Process

  1. Could you imagine going through life being known as the dem’s tool to try to deny a judge his seat on the supreme court by talking about pubic hair on a soda can? Good job, Anita. That’s all you’ll be remembered for. I doubt half the planet would even remember your name.


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