Ticket Warden Beaten and Kicked by “Asians” in UK and Has Scooter Stolen – IOTW Report

Ticket Warden Beaten and Kicked by “Asians” in UK and Has Scooter Stolen

DIVERSITY is touching and heartwarming.

17 Comments on Ticket Warden Beaten and Kicked by “Asians” in UK and Has Scooter Stolen

  1. Paul McCartney is writing a song about this called “They’ve Got a Ticket to Stomp the Hell Out of a Ticket Warden and Ride Away and We Don’t Care”

    I hope the ticket warden and his mates get some payback.

  2. A good example of what Obama wanted the US to degrade into. Let the 3rd world hordes pour into this country, all with a deep resentment and hatred for Anglo Americans who they feel exploited them.
    Once sufficient numbers are reached let the attacks begin!!!!

  3. Silly English!

    Allow the rats in and then be surprised that they act like rats?

    And yeah, if “Sir Paul” paid more attention to England than he does to his Trump Derangement he might be of some useful service – cuz we sure don’t need his uninformed advice.

    Sorry, England … you deserve every kick.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Who’s urprised a lowly meter maid is unarmed and unable to defend himself?
    Did you see the SWAT cops inaction against the Charlie Hebdo jihads?
    Its impossible to train and implement deadly force when you’re equipped with billy clubs.

  5. This is the fault of White Supremacist Thinking. Notice how well trained that Ticket Jockey just laid down and took his beating. He was trained well by his PC superiors.

    I, being a Red, White & Blue American, would of pulled out my 45 and plugged every one of those sand “asians”, twice each. Then write them a ticket.

  6. I feel not one shred of sympathy for anything that happens to an English (or European) citizen any more. I hope they’ll stand up for their rights to not be harassed by foreign invaders. A government’s first job is to protect its citizens from outsiders.

  7. Good illustration of the effects of embracing multiculturism or diversity. This is what you an expect here if the US continues its policies of accepting unvetted third world immigrants. The majority of these immigrants refuse to assimilate to American ethics and instead attempt to force their screwed up beliefs on US citizens. WE, the people, are not disarmed like the brits and there will be repercussions.
    What surprises me is that the British military has not dome a damn thing yet.

  8. Funny how you have to verify your age by signing in to a YouTube account to watch this but not if you want to watch something like World Star Hip Hop Best Fights.

    Something tells me that YoutTube is not only suppressing the content, but is tracking who is watching it. Scary thought for those watching in the UK these days because the way things are going, it might be a hate crime to watch it soon.


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