Deplorables versus Destructables – IOTW Report

Deplorables versus Destructables

On the left’s repeated and rebleated list of why they think Trump is unfit for command is that he said there were good people on both sides of the political spectrum at Charlottesville. This incensed them, but not more than it incensed me. Trump should have never said that. The left is scum. The left is cancer. There are no good people on the left. NONE.

Hillary dubbed the right “deplorables,” a label that we embraced to highlight the absurdity of a lawful, productive citizen, who reveres the constitution, being called deplorable.

Contrast that with ANTIFA, a group whose proud utility includes being a DESTRUCTABLE.

Gateway Pundit-

Ever wonder how you can injure multiple police officers during a protest and get away with it without anyone ever knowing it was you? How ’bout elaborate schemes to deny banks service to their customers? How ’bout providing an assist to countless illegal aliens who want to sneak across the border?

But a website called Destructables provides far left protesters and other law breakers with step-by-step guides on exactly how to accomplish such.

Read more HERE

ht/ annie

13 Comments on Deplorables versus Destructables

  1. Well, the Left and Ben Shapiro complain about that.

    But point taken.

    They certainly have branched out since the dreamy days of “Love Trumps Hate” haven’t they? Eventually, the Left will reveal its true face. They cannot help it. The mask inevitably slips.

  2. Hopefully they have in-depth instructions on treating gun shot wounds and setting broken bones on that web sight. It’s only a matter of time before that info will come in handy.

  3. OK… let’s be fair. People on the Left real Progressives, are not all cancer, some are low IQ, some very ignorant, some seek to gain power in the structure which indicates poor moral fiber. The only people on the Left who are cancer scum are the intelligent yet Sub humans who have not evolved to create civilization, real art, understand the noble, love the family, love and comprehend the concept of individual Liberty etc..The cancer scum cannot create but only criticize, tear down, create “good art” by propaganda, love only the self and create personal realities because they do not have the genetic improvement humanity gained a few thousand years ago. The Leftist Needs power to avoid failure, seeks politics, law, teaching, Media and Isms to survive. and is not good at any of these except in the pursuit of power in general or over others…They are Apes unable to comprehend , unable to ‘connect the dots’ unable to build for the present and certainly not for the future. When you meet a real liberal, they cannot learn, cannot change, are snarky, humorless, evil, and hate you…The current anti Trump hysteria is a mirror of their vile lives and so was Hitler’s Socialists, Mao’s they should be they did in the past. Genetically, the argument for their survival is the ability to abandon the family and survive during the clan wars that almost wiped out man…to do that, you must not Love even your children..

  4. “When you meet a real liberal, they cannot learn, cannot change, are snarky, humorless, evil, and hate you…” -Me again (above)

    And they evoke a particular, visceral reaction in a real Conservative.

  5. So… Ideas to disrupt the current regime? The. Current. Regime.

    As with Islamic head loppers, not my first choice. But they’ve got their boots on the streets, and it’s always, first come, first served. Let’s see, I’ll aid and abet support… hmm… I’ve got AntiFa, and Islamics, and Patri… oh, scratch that, patriots are still on the couch, waiting for the official “word”, The Party’s word, that it’s on. Yeah… well… good luck with that.

  6. Me Again,

    You made my point.
    There are 2 types of leftists in 2018-
    The ones in power whose agenda is to dismantle capitalist/constitutional/exceptional America and rebuild it in a socialist/Marxist/communist/collectivist/global vision.

    Then there are the assholes who vote for them.

    One is the means, the other is the ends.
    You can parse them if it makes you feel better, for whatever reason, but both are scum and cancer.
    Matters little to me if they are good-natured stupid people. How does that help me in our battle for this country?

  7. “How does that help me in our battle for this country?”

    Fur, it doesn’t. It only allows you to feel sorry for the useful idiots. They will be collateral damage in the war between the civilized and the savage.


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