Labeling Someone Fake News is Not An Attack on Free Speech – IT IS FREE SPEECH – IOTW Report

Labeling Someone Fake News is Not An Attack on Free Speech – IT IS FREE SPEECH

Labeling Someone Fake News is Not An Attack on Free Speech – IT IS FREE SPEECH.

The president is critiquing the state of media today, he isn’t creating policy in order to cripple anyone. That’s the job of the leftist big tech companies.

When big tech filters conservatives out with their biased algorithms, that is an attack. Technically it’s not illegal… yet. When enough lawmakers realize that these behemoth companies have the power to decide whose voice lives and whose voice dies, who can make a living in media and who cannot, they will begin treating these companies as they should be treated – as public utilities, every bit as important as the telephone.

Until then, it’s important to rally around our fellow conservative content deliverers.

Frank Blunt of had a nice rant about this topic today.

(Blunt must go way back with us because he gives a shout-out to “iOwnTheWorld,” outing himself as an “first-worlder.”)


9 Comments on Labeling Someone Fake News is Not An Attack on Free Speech – IT IS FREE SPEECH

  1. One of the best arguments for regulating (I know we all hate that word, but there it is) Alphabet’s Google, Twitter, and other internet-based media that has been caught, red-handed, manipulating content for the purpose of deep-sixing conservative content, is to recall that these same companies have been lobbying gov’t for a long time to make internet access available to everyone. They wanted the infrastructure and now they want the content, too.

    Social media conglomerates are only doing exactly what cable news, so-called, have been doing. We all wonder how it is that the likes of CNN can get away with their blatant agenda of manipulating “news” in order to sway voters and elections, when taxpayers are footing the bill for the FCC. Social media giants have been given the same freedom to not only manipulate what is seen and not seen, but also to mine our information for nefarious purposes.

    I don’t know when this film releases, but I just saw the trailer for “The Creepy Line,” a documentary film about tech titans’ full acknowledgement that they are in the business of influencing public opinion about politics and “social justice.”


  2. Now, THIS is MY KINDA Free Speech!

    The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page and all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.

    In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

  3. When Mrs. Guevara claims that I didn’t do something that I allegedly promised to do, I tell her in no uncertain terms that she’s peddling fake news. And it’s a disgrace.

    Then I send her a text message saying all the things I contribute to the household and that incomes are higher than ever but she won’t give me credit. Sad.


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