Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyer: It’s Not Her Job To Corroborate Her Story – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyer: It’s Not Her Job To Corroborate Her Story

DC: Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims.

Katz said on CNN on Monday that investigators should be responsible for proving Christine Blasey Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh held her down and drunkenly groped her while at a party in high school.

During the interview, Katz revealed that there was another girl present at the party, which allegedly took place in 1982 while Kavanaugh was attending Georgetown Prep. Ford previously told the Washington Post that there were four boys at the party but never indicated if there were other girls beside herself. more here


See Also:

Senate Judiciary Committee To Hold Public Hearing For Kavanaugh And His Accuser Next Monday.


Former Kavanaugh Girlfriends Stand By Him, Don’t Remember Any Party Like The One That’s Been Described.

30 Comments on Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyer: It’s Not Her Job To Corroborate Her Story

  1. She doesn’t know exactly where, what year, which house, which party, how she got there, how she got home, who they were… And that’s the info the investigators are supposed to work on? Why didn’t she hire an investigator? Because she’s full of shit, that’s why.

  2. Jump back, what’s that sound
    Here she comes, full blast to take him down
    Hot shill, burnin’ down the avenue
    Lying citizen zero discipline

    Don’t you know she’s coming after me?
    You’l lose me in the turn
    I’ll get her

    Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh
    Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh

  3. Lindsay Graham made a great point on Hannity tonight.

    Senator Graham: Here is what I want your audience to know. If Miss Ford really did not want to come forward, never intended to come forward, never planned to come forward, why did she pay for a polygraph in August and why did she hire a lawyer in August if she never intended to do what she’s doing?… And who’s paid for it?

  4. Stormy Blasey is a joke.
    If you want to know what Hillary Clinton smells like between her legs then take a good sniff at what dRATS are doing to Kavanaugh. It’s a Clinton hit, it’s all politics.
    As Feinstein’s Driver Sum Ting Wong said, “many times women are worse than men.”
    And yes, what Debora did to me I still remember.

  5. There is no statute of limitations in Maryland, where she claims the alleged crime occurred. For her claim to have any validity, she would have to file a report with the Maryland police. But she won’t do that, as she probably knows the penalty for filing a false police report.
    Apparently the FBI did go over her letter, and they looked at it, then merely placed it in his personal info file. They didn’t act on it, as there was not sufficient evidence or even information to act on. If that is all she is going to provide, why would she expect a different response to the same situation? That is getting to the definition of neurosis, and she is a psychotherapist, isn’t she? She may be neurotic, but I’m not.
    Put up or shut up, the saying goes.
    Somebody needs to remind our congress critters that, in our country, innocence is presumed until proven otherwise, and the preponderance of proof is not on the accused to prove innocence. He needs to be elected, as he is a strict Constitutionalist.
    feinstein needs to be ousted from the senate. Censored, at least. chinese spies, cold syrup erraticals and now this.

  6. i went to school with christine ….she was a BITCH!!!

    once, when i was changing tampons in the girl’s room, she yelled at me under the door to “stop smelling like a butcher shop”….

    many times, she made fun of me for my “brown-bag lunch,” taunting me for not signing up for the free lunch program, since i was so obviously “underprivileged”…..

    she also made a point of pulling my hair whenever she could, and snapping my bra strap….

    there are many others that she treated this way, but they are probably afraid to come forward, because we are all still very afraid of her….she is THAT MEAN…..

    i hate her, and i dare her to prove she never did any of these things…..

  7. As I’ve said at least 100 times before… “Don’t forget to thank a teacher”. Or in this case a professor aka a high ranking teacher.

    These people have done more to destroy this nation than all the politicians combined.

  8. If it is someone else’s job, not to determine if the facts presented to them meet some level of truthiness, but to determine what the facts are and are not, then not finding facts does not allow one to hide behind some version of “unproven”. One is officially required to officially call “bullshit”. So I’m in agreement with shyster Katz. Of course, I’m officially deplorable.

  9. I am with Mickey M and Anonymous.

    It doesnt seem American that someone can accuse you of something and then expect you to disprove it.

    I say the accusers should be required to prove it.

  10. “You lie; You die.”

    “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”

    We, as a nation, should adopt a new paradigm.
    A Republic cannot – CANNOT – function on lies.
    And the nihilistic/socialists know this – which is why they pollute the Earth with their lies, contortions, prevarications, dis-ingenuities, and mendacities.

    We are sinking into the abyss – one lie at a time.
    We allow it because too many of us are too ignorant to understand – can no longer discern fact from fiction. We hobble ourselves with the lies we learned in school.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. WDS- They scrubbed the yearbooks? Wow. That doesn’t sound suspicious at all. Oh and that whole CIA thing involving her daddy, her own involvement with planned parenthood, too. So this could have been a threat paid for by planned parenthood because they’re royally freaking out about Roe vs Wade right now.

    Why would her parents spend 43,000 on her yearly tuition if they were not able to hold on to their house?

  12. Let’s recap

    Her parents lost their home in his mother’s courtroom
    Her brother works for Fusion GPS
    She pre corroborated her accusation with a lie dector test paid by Soros
    Her lawyer is paid by Soros
    She sent a similar accusatory letter about Gorsich

    Kavanaugh just hired one of the country’s best defamation lawyers

    The accusing bitch is a no show

    The left is now backpedaling furiously

    Another Democrat exploding cigar…


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