#MeToo is a farce in the age of Keith Ellison – IOTW Report

#MeToo is a farce in the age of Keith Ellison

They say feminism died when lefty women gave Bill Clinton a free pass. Journalist Nina Burleigh gave Clinton an actual pass, offering him a sloppy Lewinsky for supporting abortion.

Feminism clawed out of the grave with the #MeToo movement. But it’s about to fall back in because of the Muslim in Minnesota, who treated his girlfriend just like he’s been groomed by Imams in a mosque to be a misogynist since he was in short pants.

If Ellison wins #MeToo loses. It will be emphatically outed, once and for all, as nothing but partisan puffery and hackery.


15 Comments on #MeToo is a farce in the age of Keith Ellison

  1. Ya know, I have become immune to leftist picking who the law applies to because thats just what they do. What I can not accept are the twat prattling of republicans that think the left is sincere. Susan Collins and a few others are an embarrassment.

    And really, this rush to see who can be the most outraged at any female claim of impropriety should be worthy of an Olympic event. “I was in the alley with my knickers up and he looked at me……”.

  2. Ellisons girlfriend – not to be believed
    Kavanaugh accuser – congressional hearing

    Sorry, at this point I couldn’t care less if Kavanaugh did it, he’s our man and the RINO’s damn well better start acting like it.

  3. The “Narrative” is all that’s important.
    The “Big Lie.”

    Tell your lie.
    Look solemn.
    Point to your skin color, your sex, your “gender,” your perversion – whatever – and ignore the facts.
    Maintain the lie.
    Maintain the pretense.
    Assassinate the character of whoever challenges The Lie – never offer a cogent argument – never explain the contradictions of The Lie – it is an “Article of Faith” and MUST be believed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He can’t lose. Even if the election bottoms all he has to do is wait for another Dem to get in power and give him a juicy appointment.
    These people have constructed such an interwoven support system you can never get rid of them.

  5. “#metoo won’t lose because leftists are immune to such standards.”

    Only certain leftists seem to be immune. Cosby, No Pass. Weinstein, No Pass. Ellison, Hard Pass. Bill Clinton, Hard Pass. Polanski, No Pass. Woody Allen, No Pass. What’s the common denominator for getting by? I can’t seem to find one. Maybe you guys can.

  6. I bet Al Franken is kicking himself right now for bailing out too soon. He was the sacrificial lamb to give “legitimacy “ to the #metoo movement so they could go after bigger fish. Weinstein, Cosby, er al are not politicians, so not important to the mission, thus they were easy prey for ambitious DAs. All to establish credibility.

  7. “Feminism clawed out of the grave with the #MeToo movement.” – Accurate statement! Exactly why #MeToo is a farce/smoke screen. The real objective is to destroy and undermine manhood. A very evil concept that endangers mmankind.

  8. Everything about the progressive movement is a lie. I can’t begin to count the number of times that I have stated or posted that it is a fool’s errand to concede good intentions to the progressive movement. I’m damn near 60 years old and figured that one out before I was old enough to get a driver’s license (OK, so ya’ really didn’t need one in Montana back then if all you were doing was driving two and a half tons of wheat down the county road or highway to the elevator, or were not bothering anybody, as long as you could see over the dash it was all good, but you get the point).

    Not only are people who subscribe to that political philosophy seldom well intentioned, they are more often than not nothing more than malicious, maladjusted malcontents who are hell bent on increasing the amount of innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  9. @JDHasty September 18, 2018 at 11:17 am

    > figured that one out before I was old enough

    SMARTIST! Stupid people have rights two! We live in a republic! Not a democracy! One person, one vote! For great justice!

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