Labor Dept. Fines Another H-1B Sweatshop Which Cheated American Graduates – IOTW Report

Labor Dept. Fines Another H-1B Sweatshop Which Cheated American Graduates

Big Government:


Investigators at the Department of Labor have exposed another large Indian-owned outsourcing company which underpaid low-wage foreign H-1B workers to win contracts sought by American graduates.

The penalty shines a spotlight on the establishment-backed business of international sweatshops for college graduates, and it also exposed a self-titled “university” that can be used to funnel unpaid Indian graduates into the college-grad job market.

The graduate-sweatshop issue is becoming more visible because Kansas GOP Rep. Kevin Yoder and GOP leaders are pushing legislation that would quickly convert 300,000 Indian H-1B outsourcing-workers into American immigrants. Yoder’s so-called “country caplegislation likely will be pushed through during a lame-duck session after the election.


6 Comments on Labor Dept. Fines Another H-1B Sweatshop Which Cheated American Graduates

  1. AB 705 in California will force community colleges to place high school graduates in math classes based on their high school math grades rather than placement exams. So, HS graduates who think 1/2 + 1/3 = 2/5 will be placed in intermediate algebra because their HS math teacher was forced to pass them. They will then fail, and continue to think they can’t do math. This is because subjects, er, citizens who can’t do math (and therefore may not think logically) are easier to manipulate and control.

    Home school your kids, but if you can’t, at least teach them math after school.

  2. The graduate-sweatshop issue is becoming more visible because Kansas GOP Rep. Kevin Yoder and GOP leaders are pushing legislation that would quickly convert 300,000 Indian H-1B outsourcing-workers into American immigrants. Yoder’s so-called “country cap” legislation likely will be pushed through during a lame-duck session after the election.
    OH HELL NO!!!!

  3. I’d like my company investigated. They fired most of the American IT people and staffed it up with H1-Bs. An entire floor of our building is Indian.

    We have “affinity” groups for women, hispanics, asians, gays. But not one for Indians. Funny that.

    They make sure they don’t associate with anyone outside of their group. No talking in the elevators or the cafeteria. Don’t take part in group activities.

    Before Trump, there were more. Immediately after the election, a lot of them disappeared. Now a bunch have started coming back.


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