‘Public charge’ plan limits welfare payments to immigrants – IOTW Report

‘Public charge’ plan limits welfare payments to immigrants

WaTimes: The Homeland Security Department has announced new rules designed to enforce a long-standing, but also long-ignored, requirement that immigrants not become a burden on American taxpayers.

Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who signed the proposal Friday, said it would push immigrants eithrt (sic) to be self-sufficient or to rely on their family or the business that’s sponsoring them to be in the U.S. for help, rather than to take assistance from the government.

Those who do end up taking taxpayer-funded benefits could be denied the ability to gain citizenship — and the rules also apply prospectively, meaning the government would be able to refuse adjustments of status for immigrants whom officials deem likely to become a “public charge.”  read more

13 Comments on ‘Public charge’ plan limits welfare payments to immigrants

  1. Great! It’s about time that this country started to enforce the laws and statutes that have been ignored for twenty years during the great browning down of America. This could even be called Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform to make it more appealing to the MSDM.

  2. There’s no problem, change, here. Progs have been telling us for years and years how hard working (illegal) immigrants are, how they more than pay their way, don’t need to rely on tax payers.

    Hell’s bells….. This should be no problem at all, either for the progs or for the hard-working illegals and other non-citizens. A small blip!
    ….Lady in Red

  3. When I was trying to get my wife into the US so we could marry, I had to prove to the State Department that I was financially able to support her so that the US taxpayer would never have to. I had to turn over employment and banking records for the previous ten years. She had to produce her college transcripts and prove that nobody from her country was financially dependent on her. She had to produce official documentation from every place that she had ever lived that she had no criminal record. She had to provide documented proof that she had never been married. That was a tough one. How do you prove you were never married? I had to provide all divorce decrees and prove I didn’t own child support. She had to have a rigorous medical examination done by a doctor chosen by the US Embassy in her country. All this was just the tip of the iceberg. After all this, I was told that when she finally arrived in Houston, she would be interviewed by customs officials and if they decided for any reason, or no reason at all, that she should not be allowed into the US that she would be held and put on the next plane back to where she came from. Screw the Democrats and screw the wetback rat bastards who just walk into this country and stick their hands out for free stuff and make real US citizens have to pay for it.

  4. Brother’s D-I-L has two valuable degrees, fluent in 3 languages. His story similar to Hambone’s. Brother and wife had to sponsor, agree to pay any bills, to keep her off the dole. Yet the gummit allows illiterate, low skilled immigrants in by the thousands and rewards them for coming.

  5. Hambone- I was just coming to make a similar comment about what my mom and dad went through! My dad was military, so my mom had to be questioned by the officials on the base, in addition! He had to get a side job to afford the fees for this and that before they came stateside.

    NOW? Just cross the border to the north or south. Shit, you don’t need a sponsor or medical records and they’ll even give you $500 a month just for your efforts.

  6. I wonder how this will effect the Anchor-Baby system? Will those medical bills now be on the Illegal immigrant. Will those new baby citizens be eligible for welfare, health insurance, food stamps HUD, Section 8, WIC, etc? If so, the problem is still a long way from solved.

  7. Oh, yeah! It cost me thousands in fees to the State Department to get her here, but in addition, it had cost me thousands more to keep her here. For several years, in fact it was until she became a citizen, we were forced to travel to Houston and have her finger printed and photographed on a regular basis while providing more and more documents. She’s a better US citizen than 98% of the democrats out there.


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