The Current Heroine of Feminism? Pffffft – IOTW Report

The Current Heroine of Feminism? Pffffft

19 Comments on The Current Heroine of Feminism? Pffffft

  1. Kavanaugh has to be thinking to himself, “I totally believed all those women Hillary threw at Trump. Boy, was I a tard.”

    Obviously, in more elegant prose than mine, but same drift.

  2. My guess: Balls’y was a gilr who got wasted with friends at parties, and then migrated toward their nights pusuit of a guy with a Pulse to pounce on His Twig and Beries.These were they same Girls in School who had Abortions.
    They become Democrats Guaranteed for Life after that, because the Abortion thing isn’t about what the Woman has a right to do, it’s about the Guilt they already have for the Child they’ve already killed.

  3. Now that Easy Chrissie’s story has fallen apart (not that it was all that cohesive/coherent to begin with), the attack arm of the hive mind is trotting out one Debbie Ramirez. She says Kavanaugh stuck his dick in her face during a Yale dorm room drinking game. She and everyone else there was stinking drunk. Great for her and witnesses’ memories!

    Lady in Red posted the link above. Thanks LiR!

  4. LIR-

    May be dead meat????

    >>>>She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident. In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.>>>

  5. Global warming is going to cause the end of popcorn. This week.
    The newest scandal isn’t but a very few hours old, and it seems like it is developing cracks.
    “The New Yorker could not confirm ANY of the details of the party from any witness.
    Ronan Farrow could not even confirm that Kavanaugh was at the party in question!”

    How many bimbos are in a standard sized clip?

  6. It’s a witchhunt, Fur, and half the people in this country (ironically the most sexually promiscuous half) are going to clutch their pearls and smelling salts and exclaim, “Oh how *could* he?”

    The progs will go after the next one, as well. Eventually, Trump may find a sexually inert nominee, but (as a supporter of women’s choice) I think Kavanaugh is honest, fair, and probably as good as they are going to get and would have protected the precedent of Roe v Wade.

    I am sad. …..Lady in Red

  7. One possible outcome:

    Kavanaugh will become a martyr if his nomination goes down in flames due to the most recent B.S. allegation.

    So many voters will go to the polls in droves come November, the rallying cry will be “Remember Kavanaugh”.

    This has the potential to backfire on the Democrat commies big time, they may win the battle but lose the war.

    Either that or we all just grab some torches and pitchforks. I’m in either way.

  8. @ The Gunny I totally agree have been saying this from the beginning
    re “we all just grab some torches and pitchforks” and some AR 15’s
    As for who should be named if he backs out my choice is LADY IN RED

    OR ZONGA, but that beach pic might sink her. 🙂

  9. The charges against Kavanaugh are almost on the level of junior high school….. “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours….?”

    I doubt that there are many “normal” men in America who don’t have far worse stories to tell, even before we get into the men who beat and rape women.

    Kavanaugh is a chump change abuser. My twitching elbow says he will withdraw. And I can’t blame him. ….Lady in Red

  10. Trump’s next selection? There will be none. Nobody is going to undergo this. We’re going to have a SCOTUS of eight until the occupancy of the White House changes hands to a Democrat. What’s in play now is if Republicans are willing to play the game using the same rules as Democrats. Character assassination is not that difficult to pull off as we can see.

    Republicans won’t do it, preferring to stick to their principles. An admirable path, but the death knell for the Republic. Generations later this will be seen as the defining moment that changed the course of the nation.

    Trump may be able to make some inroads against the deep state operating in D.C. but the deep state operating on a global scale? That’s not going to happen. The only chance we have to win is to first accept the reality we’re living in. We already know the Democrats are against us but we need an acceptance that the Republican Party is not on our side either.


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