I Want My Sex Back – IOTW Report

I Want My Sex Back

RT: Billy, Rene and Walt were born male, but they all felt uncomfortable with their sex. So they underwent sex reassignment surgery, believing it would end their distressing condition, which is known as gender dysphoria – feeling uncomfortable with your birth sex. However, becoming female only brought problems, disappointment and regret. Watch

18 Comments on I Want My Sex Back

  1. You can’t fix stupid… or sex changes!
    Mutilation is forever.

    But that would be wrong to tell someone considering it these days…
    and that right there is exactly what’s wrong with today’s Left:
    You dare not tell the truth!

  2. This is a mental disorder like anorexia. Long term studies here and in Sweden have proven surgery is not a cure for this mental illness. It only increases it.

    The left destroys society by normalizing perversions and perverting normalcy.

  3. This as bad as telling a Schizophrenic person that hears voices telling him to do murder: “You should do what they tell you”
    Any doctor who performs these surgeries should have his license stripped


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