Who is the dumbest politician? – IOTW Report

Who is the dumbest politician?

  1. Maxine Waters
  2. Joe Biden
  3. Hank Johnson
  4. Mazie Hirono
  5. Patty Murray

This is a tough call.

But let me offer this first before you vote in the comments.

Hirono, given the opportunity to clarify what she meant when she suggested Kavanaugh not be afforded due process and not be presumed innocent until evidence proves otherwise, doubled down.

She says without an FBI report we’re left with the credibility of the 2 witnesses, and that the accuser and the accused are on equal footing.

She then concludes that we can’t afford to have a supreme justice on the court that “doesn’t understand the law.”

This woman is so dumb I have to take painkillers just looking at her dumb face.

42 Comments on Who is the dumbest politician?

  1. The correct answer is all of the above, or none of the above. The condition
    all politicians are infected with is called “situational stupidity”.
    It appears to rotate through the ranks so that each one in a different situation can let their ignorance be seen by all!

  2. Joe Biden isn’t stupid – he’s just an evil lying pervert. I doubt he believes 90% of the crap that comes out of his own mouth, but he has his agenda and criminality to protect, so he says/does whatever it takes.

  3. Senator Tojo worked for Senator Inouye for over a decade. He was notorious for his unsavory behavior around younger, vulnerable women. He was a very strong, one armed assaulter of lots of women according to several articles that I have read. Mazie can’t recall any of these women now.

  4. I dunno; Hirono may be marginally dumber than the others. That’s saying a lot when compared to Hank Johnson or Maxine Waters.

    Hirono also willfully ignores the facts of this matter. Kavanaugh did undergo an FBI background check – actually, six of them if the reports are accurate. And the Republicans aren’t “railroading” Kavanaugh’s nomination through – Hirono’s own party (that would be the Democrats, Mazie) sat on these allegations for weeks. So yeah, if you want to complain about the timing of this, call Dianne Feinstein.

    The Democratic leadership must be cringing at the quality of the Democratic senators occupying the evening news. Hirono is just one in a string of Democrats who are willing to showcase their ignorance and stupidity before a national audience; it’s one thing to use Waters to continually bleat a dumb narrative because no one expects anything intellectual from Maxine, it’s a different thing altogether to showcase a cast of idiots. Middle America must be thinking “when did the collective IQ of the Democrat party dip into the single digits?”

  5. I try, Lord knows I try to fight my natural inclinations of my ancient blood (Scottish which means put on a kilt, grab a melee weapon and go and bash in the heads of my overlords then run to the hills and live free).

    I just saw your list and all of the hate of the idea of idiots having any say over my life makes me want to grab my AK and kill them all and run to the hills and live free. I’m going to be in foul mood for I don’t know how long. Great…

  6. How can you forget Sheila Jackson Lee?
    “I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee! Who do you think you are?”
    “Don’t you know who I am? I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered.”
    “What am I a prostitute? Am I your prostitute? You can’t prostitute me.”

  7. I’m not in to discrimination so I’ll pick all of them and every other congressman/woman and member of the Senate get honorable mentions minimum with very few exceptions.

  8. I think they are all dumber than a box of rocks, but Patty Murray looks the dumbest with that ‘sally went to the market’ haircut.

    She looks like Captain Kangaroo with tits, except with NO tits.

  9. A lot of deserving candidates–
    Stupid cowboy hat lady
    Susan collins
    Gillibrand has risen in the ranks in recent weeks
    Patty murray is reliably clueless

    Hank and mad max may hold the top/bottom 2 slots

  10. Patty Murray originally campaigned as the “tennis shoe candidate.” It worked. She’s just smart enough to realize she can continuously get elected in a state whose average IQ is that of a thermostat. Other than that, she’s dumber than a nitwit’s tongue frozen to a fire hydrant.

  11. Maxine Waters! COME ON!!!! A Millionaire retard, representing absolute poverty in a District she does not live in… where did HER money come from? Who would vote for this? Oh yeah, they don’t know . . .

  12. Which are the most dangerous for America’s future is a more important question.

    The ones which are the most dangerous for the future of the Democrat party would be the ones I want to see in front of the tv cameras every evening till election day.

  13. Hank Johnson, Maxi-Pad were born stupid, Crazy Pervert Uncle Joe has had a few too many strokes, Chatty Patty chews gum too much & that gets in the way of her other brain functions ….
    Crazy Mazie … the new idiot on the block (but, that’s denigrating idiots)

  14. After Obama I’m fairly certain that White Mans guilt is over with (except for overpaid keep them out of their parents basements teleprompter readers). Kamela, you do not stand a chance! No matter how many times you say ‘I’. The next at least 80 years you will need to thank Barry for your loss. Nope, wont’ get fooled (or shamed) again. I’m Snorky1 and I approve this message for the non-respecting race baiting morons that pay for votes. Please let that be our future!


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