Children’s hospital drops gender markers from patient wristbands – IOTW Report

Children’s hospital drops gender markers from patient wristbands


Children’s Hospital Colorado has removed gender markers from patients’ wristbands as part of an effort to support their “unique gender identity.”

The hospital said its staff understands that it’s “not easy growing up with an expansive gender identity or expression,” and “believe[s] gender-diverse children need a stable support system as they navigate their transition.”

One patient, a teenager named Ben, said the change is “huge” for him, as he’s been going to the hospital for roughly two years and identifies as a female to male transgender person.

It’s “bigger than anything on this planet. Looking down and seeing that ‘F,’ I’m just like ‘no. That’s not right,'” he said.

Ben is part of a group of around 800 patients at the hospital’s TRUE Center for Gender Diversity, which stands for trust, understand, respect and emerge. The hospital described the group as a “safe space.”

Here’s the kicker.. right in the testicles they do or don’t have

While gender will be omitted from wristbands, Dr. Nokoff said patients’ medical history will still be recorded.



19 Comments on Children’s hospital drops gender markers from patient wristbands

  1. “…group of around 800 patients at the hospital’s TRUE Center for Gender Diversity, which stands for trust, understand, respect and emerge. The hospital described the group as a “safe space.”

    ‘safe space’
    it is where they go to have their God given sex organs removed or mutilated. safely?

    “…“not easy growing up with an expansive gender identity or expression,”
    and they will help them. ‘safely.’ “Here, let me remove that for you…”

    Hospitals also use things such as different colored socks for persons who are a ‘fall risk’ and other subtleties. Probably should do away with them, too.

  2. Child abuse. “While they navigate their transition”.

    What transition is that pray tell?

    Being gay does not make you transition. You are of a sex where you choose to like the same sex. No transition involved. Or, you’re hetero with no transition involved.

    This is mentally and emotionally abusing and confusing the 99.8% to satisfy the parents of the disturbed 0.2%.

    Shut them down.

  3. JDHasty SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 AT 3:32 PM
    “I support this: It lets prospective patients know which hospitals to stay as far away from as possible.”

    JD: Also handy when they come seeking donations!

  4. I went to see my nurse practitioner yesterday for a follow-up on a blood test. I had already given my personal information the first time I saw her, but she was using some new electronic chart software so I had to provide it again. Everything was fine until she asked me what I “identified as”. “I don’t know what you mean” I said. “Well, gender-wise” says she. I answered “It doesn’t much matter what I identify as, my DNA says I’m female.” She was perfectly satisfied with that answer and chuckled, but actually the mere fact a MEDICAL professional would ask that pissed me off. It also told me about the liberal leanings of the medical software biz.

  5. He/she looked down and said no, that’s not right. I’m confused. Was it looking at its genitalia or looking at the gender assigning wrist band?

    Keep talking, weirdos. You’re driving sane people to the least bizarre party and the polls.

  6. F4U
    Rod did not write the majority of his “scripts”

    I was a reader of $0.05 SF mags in the 50’s. I watched his show in high school. Most of what was on his show I had read 1 – 7 years before.

    The show was great but he did NOT wrote most of it himself! He “adapted” them for TV. And did a good job. BTW Shatner was on “Twilight” 3 times. And he was as good as he would later be as Cptn Kirk.

  7. I just went to the doctor and was confronted by the new gender neutral forms for the first time. They’re a joke, either you’re male or female, there is no other choice. And they don’t need to know whether I have guns or not, that’s none of their damned business, I left that one blank.


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