Michelle Obama Reminds Idiots To Vote – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Reminds Idiots To Vote


Michelle Obama encouraged people who “know nothing about nothing” to get out and vote while speaking at a campaign-style rally on Monday in Las Vegas.

“Voting does not require any kind of special expertise,” Obama told the crowd. “You know, you don’t need to be have some fancy degree to be qualified to vote. You don’t have to read every news article to be qualified to vote.”

” You know what you need to be qualified to vote?” Obama asked. “You need to be a citizen … you need to have opinions about the issues in your community — that’s what qualifies you to vote.”

“Don’t be intimidated, don’t let somebody intimidate you from being a part of this process,” Obama said.

“I’ve been voting since I was 18 years old — and trust me I didn’t know nothing about nothing at 18 years old — right?” she said, throwing her hands up.


And her voting habits, voting straight left, have not deviated one degree. What has knowing something about something done?

She simply wants zombies to vote the party line. She’s not interested in anyone digging deeper for information, trust me.

Dumb and dependent is what the left wants.

ht/ annie


20 Comments on Michelle Obama Reminds Idiots To Vote

  1. I voted for the “R” feller because I r real smart. I did not vote for the D” feller because I ain’t D-umb. I almost voted for the “I” feller because I should be I-nterested in I-ssues, but I ain’t so I didn’t.

    So far, it seems to be workin’ out o.k.

  2. Somebody said she came from New Orleans

    Where he got in a fight over a moslem Queen

    And a crashin’ blow from a huge right hand

    Sent Reggie Love to the Promised Land, Big Dong

    (Big Dong, Big Dong)
    Big Black Dong
    (Big Dong)

    Then came the day at a Chicago Bathhouse Line

    When He whipped it out and men started cryin’

    Minors were prayin’ and hearts beat fast

    And everybody thought that they’d breathed their last, from that Dong

    Through the steam and the smoke of this man made hell

    Walked a giant of a man that the Senators knew well

    Grabbed His Large’ timber, gave out with a groan

    And like a giant Oak tree, he just stood there alone, Big Dong

    (Big Dong, Big Dong)
    Big Black Dong
    (Big Dong)

    And with all of his strength he gave a mighty shove

    Then a Senator yelled out, “There’s an Exit sign up above”

    And twenty men scrambled from a would-be grave

    Now there’s only one left down there to shave, Big Dong

    (Big Dong, Big Dong)
    Big Black Dong
    (Big Dong)

    No one ever wanted to gaze at the dress with a slit

    They just stared at their feet in front of it

    These few words are written in the sand

    under this skirt lies a big, big man, Big Dong

    (Big Dong, Big Dong)
    Big Black Dong
    (Big Dong)

  3. Mooch just admitted that the 26th Amendment is bullshit.
    Invented by Democrats during the Vietnam war. I agree that war fighters should have the ability to vote. Not draft dodging shitpickles, who mooch admits know nuthin about nuthin.

    And get out the vote is much more challenging when the money dries us. We just can’t afford to buy you a speedball this time. But vote anyway. We’re good for it.





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