Christine Ford releases prepared testimony ahead of Senate hearing: ‘I believed he was going to rape me’ – IOTW Report

Christine Ford releases prepared testimony ahead of Senate hearing: ‘I believed he was going to rape me’

Dr. Ford Written Testimony by on Scribd

29 Comments on Christine Ford releases prepared testimony ahead of Senate hearing: ‘I believed he was going to rape me’

  1. Yep, he was going to rape her and inadvertently kill her and she told no one until 2012 when Mitt Romney mentioned Kavanaugh might be a good pick and the ground work was laid (no pun intended).

    And what she feels or thinks is not evidence of anything except possibly an unstable mind.

  2. Come on… She left her good friend Leland there to possibly be raped, too? Leland said she doesn’t remember any party and doesn’t know WTF she’s talking about, btw.

    Wouldn’t Ford want to go try and find that house to see who it belonged to?

  3. This statement crushes her credibility-

    “I have been accused of acting out of partisan political motives. Those who say that do not know
    me. I am a fiercely independent person and I am no one’s pawn.”

    Go shit in your pussyhat, lady.

  4. Timing of every single claim she is making is highly suspicious. If we could read her social content, all her motives for this “courageous” act of political assassination would be revealed. Kind of odd that neither of her parents or her siblings have come forward to support this venal liar, and they knew her better when all this was supposedly happening.

  5. Listen, back maybe 15 years ago, me, my ex-boyfriend, and a group of 3 friends used to hang out. I mean, we went to restaurants, movies, long trips, antique car shows, etc. together. We all worked at the same place for a few years, and after I quit, my ex confessed to me he was cheating on me with a chick from work. A chick my friends also knew and knew about the cheating.

    To this day, I will have nothing to do with my so-called friends because they didn’t have the decency to tell me what was going on.
    I was pissed, and in a way, I’m disappointed that people have no sense of honesty or sympathy.

    Now, IF Leland was really at that party and she found out that Ford left her ass there alone in a house of may-be rapists or gropers, didn’t call the cops, didn’t call Leland’s parents, didn’t call Leland the next day or even that night to make sure Leland was okay… Leland would now be screaming mad at both Ford and Kavanaugh this very minute!

    If I’M still annoyed that my ‘friends’ didn’t tell me that my ex was cheating on me, do you think Leland wouldn’t be angry as hell that Ford left her ass a sitting duck in that house?

  6. I’m not sure if I remember this right, but 29 years ago one night, wandering around in the woods drinking grain alcohol and tripping on some good acid, I think I saw Michael Avenatti at a Boy Scout jamboree getting gang banged by a train load of Boy Scouts. I was going to call the cops, but it looked like he was enjoying it too much.

  7. “… I can’t remember details … but, it’s seared in my memory … I will never forget … “

    except you forgot … a lot of things … until your ‘repressed memory’ sessions

    …. got it!

  8. I’ll probably never know, but I’d sure like find out what prompted these three (and counting) women to participate in such a patently obvious fraud. Are they really so (a) stupid, (b) blackmailable, or (c) ideologically insanely driven that they are willing to subject themselves to what is virtually certain to be a very personally unpleasant future?

  9. I can only remember one exact date when I was 16 years old, because on October 17, 1989, the World Series Earthquake happened. Now, i was nowhere near SF during it, but it just so happened that earlier that day I received my first bj. So, if Effie Jo ever gets nominated for the SCOTUS, do I have the goods on her. True story.

  10. 35 years ago, she F’ed me, along with Morgan Fairchild, she was there too, yea that’s it,,,. I offered to testify about it but they cock-block me, just like the other witnesses. Regards, Tommy Flanagan

  11. Al, it’s the Vagenda of insanity. How many times do we have to go over this? Vagenda=bad. Patriarchy=good.

    The Vagenda is evil and insane….. that’s why it’s called the Vagenda.

    These accusers are members of the Vagenda. Therefore they’re evil and insane. It’s axiomatic.

    Evil and insane people do lots of inexplicable ish.

  12. “Kavanaugh and Ford are both suffering through an ugly process.”
    Senator Flake, (R-AZ) (today)
    Is this fucking idiot for real?

    “I believe her (Ford) because she’s telling the truth.”
    Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) and close friend of Harvey Weinstein when she needed campaign donations. Remember Donald Trump said Kristin “would do anything for a donation.” Stupid Bint.
    There are some rumors floating around about Gillibrand, Weinstein, and Bill Clinton. I wonder if Gillibrand should have these rumors investigated by the FBI, just to clear her name?

  13. This wasn’t planned and she didn’t want to come forward and is not politically motivated, yet she who doesn’t fly, went to a hotel in Maryland in August and took a polygraph.

    What’s even worse about all this shit is the poor Judge guy who has had his name drug through the mud as well. I guess you best hope you were never friends with a man who might be nominated by a Republican or you too can have your name dragged through the mud.

  14. Come on Boys and Girls when did it happen. Let’s join Judge Kavanaugh on revealing when you lost your virginity. 1000 iotw dollars for the best story I’ll go first:
    It was during basic training in Fort Jackson, SC. I was nineteen. On our first weekend pass we went to a whorehouse/bar in Columbia.
    What I remember about the event is that my lady friend had a tattoo of a CIB, Combat Infantryman’s Badge over her right tit and an Airborne Parachute over her left tit. It was all dignified and private. Over a beer later she complained that the sluts at the local colleges were destroying her business as ” they were giving IT away for free.” Rich bitch whores, she called them.
    It’s still going on today. Rich sluts cutting into the business of hard working ladies. But the rich sluts now have a new scam. By combining forces with lawyers, they accuse and tell their stories for money. As for me, I confessed my sin and continued sinning.

  15. Moe Tom, his name certainly fits him. I heard that crap as he was saying it. He was crying that a constituent contacted him saying he was taking him and his family out for not helping his President.

  16. Best Mid 2018 Term slogan to be! ‘Go shit in your pussy hat,lady.’I always refer to women as Lady, shame the term has been rejected by those who have never embraced it as it’s meaning, rescpect intended and worth. WHO’S THE TROLL HERE?


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