Two Men Come Forward and Say They Are the Ones Who Assaulted Ford – Dems Say It’s Just Republicans Trying To “Muddy the Waters” (as if the waters are clear) – IOTW Report

Two Men Come Forward and Say They Are the Ones Who Assaulted Ford – Dems Say It’s Just Republicans Trying To “Muddy the Waters” (as if the waters are clear)

The Hill-

nate Judiciary Committee investigators spoke to two men earlier this week who believe they may have been involved the alleged sexual assault at the center of Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of, the committee said late Wednesday.

Staff for the committee’s chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), said that during a review of Ford’s claims that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and groped her during a 1980s high school party, two men came forward to suggest it was a case of mistaken identity.

On Monday, a man submitted a written statement and spoke with staff from the Judiciary Committee after he claimed he believes he may have been involved in the alleged incident with Ford. He spoke again with investigators on Tuesday, and described his recollection of his interaction with Ford.

On Wednesday, the man provided a more in-depth written statement, the panel said. On the same day, investigators from the committee spoke over the phone with a second man who believes he should be the target of Ford’s allegation, not Kavanaugh.

The men were not identified by the committee, and spokesmen for Grassley didn’t immediately respond to a request for information about the two individuals.

But aides for Democrats on the Judiciary Committee appeared caught off guard by the summery released by Republican staffers, saying they had no idea Republicans were speaking to the two men who claimed they, not Kavanaugh, had “encounters” with Ford.

Lily Adams, a spokeswoman for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), said they found out about the interviews from reporters on Twitter.

“What the Judiciary Republicans are doing tonight is both pathetic and completely unsurprising,” she added in a subsequent tweet, saying Republicans were “releasing random doppelgänger … to try to muddy waters.”

A Democratic aide, asked about the timeline from Republicans, said Democrats weren’t informed of the assertions or the interviews “in violation of Senate rules. This is shameful and the height of irresponsibility.”

ht/ hot salsa

via @dmartosko

8 Comments on Two Men Come Forward and Say They Are the Ones Who Assaulted Ford – Dems Say It’s Just Republicans Trying To “Muddy the Waters” (as if the waters are clear)

  1. I’ve said this so many times, but, Republicans will NEVER learn that once you step foot on to The Bizarro World Liberal Playing Field the game is over and you have lost. They should NEVER have delayed the vote for even 5 minutes. The more they bend over “to appear fair”, the more they reveal weakness to the Liberal Enemies of the People.

  2. Sleazy socialist entertainment for the “he’s not my president cabal”.

    The left will stop at nothing to obstruct a Constitutionalist from being seated on the Supreme Court, there is too much at risk for their revisionist revolution.

  3. I think these guys are Dems trying to help Blasey Ford avoid perjury by lending credence to her basic charges. No man is going to come forward after 35 years to admit to this sort of crime, unless they are falsely taking the rap for someone else and they know they’ll face no serious charges once their actual innocence is proven, long after the cameras are gone. And of course the Dems are going to call them GOP plants; Projection is a way of life for Dems.

    This is why James Woods got banned for retweeting the “SoyBoys don’t vote this year” meme. The Left knows that soy boys might actually self-abnegate on Election Day if told to by women. They will also take a fall for the cause if told to do so, knowing that Soros will bail them out.

  4. TO Irony

    In the past, I’d normally agree…but in this era, I suspect (gut feeling) it’s done with the conscious GOP intent to maximize self-inflicted damage to the Dems prior to Mid Terms.
    [THINK: Hannibal Lecter wearing rose colored glasses]

  5. I think these guys are Dems

    2 accusers have rescinded and Dr I Can’t Remember basically said nothing happened, as the original claim was.

    I think the Demos have finally gotten it through their heads the Rs aren’t folding, not Trump or McConnell or Grassley or Brother Bret, so the folded the con.

    But this will bite them in November.


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