Climate Alarmists Trying To Strike Fear Using BACON! – IOTW Report

Climate Alarmists Trying To Strike Fear Using BACON!

National Post-

Pork is the most widely consumed animal protein in the world. Representing more than 36 per cent of global meat-eating, a hit to production could have devastating effects. As a new Scientific American report suggests, a warming planet may result in skinnier pigs that produce less meat. The potential outcome: a future where pork is scarce and strips of bacon will cost you dearly.

The National Pork Board in the U.S. has been monitoring the effect of high temperatures on pigs since 2013, according to Scientific American, due to the possible consequences for a US$20 billion industry.

Swine are particularly vulnerable to hot weather: they wallow in cool mud or water because their sweat glands don’t effectively regulate body temperature. Studies have shown that when the animals are exposed to temperatures in excess of 25 degrees Celsius, they produce less protein, with the added drawback of decreased fertility.


13 Comments on Climate Alarmists Trying To Strike Fear Using BACON!

  1. My experience is that capitalists figure out a solution if there is a problem.
    Bees are a good example. We have all heard the fearmongering that bees are disappearing. In fact their populations change a lot year by year. But capitalists have made sure that they thrive because it is important to food production and revenue.

  2. If I can’t have my bacon, sausage, fried pork chops, pork tenderloin and ham
    and a survival climate, to hell with the climate I choose bacon. Long live Jimmy Dean, well the man is actually deceased, I’m talking his pork products empire.

  3. They obviously have never been to Texas, Arizona, or …any fooking where!
    You can’t stop wild hogs.
    If Lazlo was a billionaire I would run the muslims out of the Middle East by importing feral hogs.
    Lazlo’s Feral Pig Relocation service would boom and I would grow ever richer, and die in peace knowing I was bringing good to the world


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