Caption this picture of DiFi and Murkowski – IOTW Report

Caption this picture of DiFi and Murkowski


See the full picture HERE

ht/ bad brad

59 Comments on Caption this picture of DiFi and Murkowski

  1. Feinstein can stick Kamala Harris and Cory Booker right up her ass.

    …..and I never liked Murkowski either. She’s probably up for election again. She, like Susan Collins, are RINOS.

  2. DiFi: “Vere are your papers?
    Murk: “I left them in my office your Excellency may I PLEASE be allowed to retrieve them for you?”
    DiFi: “NINE! But there is a little something else I’d like you to do for me…”


    That is a VERY DISTURBING pic. Talk about body language and clenched FISTS.


    @ BFH – has to take image down. FOR NOW…

    @ Bad_Brad – I saw that image but cannot remember exactly where!

    There is one where the Bitch is pounding her hand against the wall in frustration.

    Keep lookin’.


  4. feinstein: ‘listen bitch- when we go back in there, it is your turn and we need to talk about flatulence. Do you hear me, or do I have to let Oddjob know about this? And remember uncle georgie is watching.

  5. DiFi: Blood. You promised me the weekly tribute of baby blood. I want it. I NEED IT. NOW. I’m started to crumble on camera.

    Murk: Sorry, Master, I’ve been busy, I’ll Gosnell you one at lunch.

  6. F: They were tearing me apart in there and you didn’t so much as make a squeak in my defense!
    M: Lindsey Graham had me by the balls, I couldn’t do anything.
    F: You’re going to get a little visit from Rosie O’Donnell you bitch.
    M: Please!!!!!!!!!! give me another chance!

  7. That’s an amazing picture.

    One of the reasons I can’t stand Feinstein is that she portrays herself as some sweet old grandmother that would rather be home baking cookies for the homeless, rather than doing ANYTHING untoward to anyone. The reality is, she’d slit the throat of anyone that got in her way. And that picture shows that side of her.

    I can’t stand Murkowski, either (and what the hell is wrong with Alaskans, who you would think would be the most freedom loving people in the country, but elect someone that would keep them on a leash?). But by the looks of the body English in that pic, it’s like she saying, “Sorry, Di, but you fucked up by sitting on evidence. Now I have to cover my narrow ass and vote him in.”

  8. Feinstein ” I found this wonderful new product that actually takes away the old lady stink from my dried up old goober. Murkowski “Were can I get some for myself?”

    Both of them walking advertisements for term limits.

  9. “Both of them walking advertisements for term limits.” YES.

    And both look like jerks who were unpopular since childhood but found the validation they’ve craved by burrowing their parasitic selves in the bosom of corrupt government.

  10. DiFi: So? Are you going to do what I told you to do or are you going to make me actually twist your arm?

    Murk: I know I told you I’d go along with you but Lindsay seems to have rediscovered his spine and he scares me more than you do.

  11. As a Texan, I hear and watch and read about Alaska as full of strong men …part of a mythology. The truth is that when the pipeline was being built, many real men were imported from Texas, OK, Nebraska etc until it was finished and returned home…Alaskans are generally on the dole, getting subsidies so that they can eke out a marginal living growing vegetables and shooting meat needs from their porch…not that easy when you are drunk and on pot…Murkowski was voted in by Alaskans and she reflects the Leftist bent of its denizens..

  12. That picture tells you all you need to know about the establishment Republicans. Democrats are in the minority and always act like they are in the majority and the Republicans who are in the majority never act like they have the power. Priceless. That is why Trump is President a man acting like a freaking man.

  13. There are many fun things I could say, but what I wished she was actually saying is “Diane, have you people lost your effing minds?!”….but not much likelihood of that.

  14. Yes, that’s right, but at the prision you have to put both hands on the wall and then make a wide stance with your legs. Oh yeah, you’ll be nude also but they’ll give you a nice suit to wear afterwards.

  15. If DiFi were a man, they would use that picture as an example of sexual harassment. Back her up against the wall, use an arm to block her exit, lean in much too close. It looks like Feinstein is about to grab her tit and if she’d like to do a little quid pro quo in the coat room.


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