More Memories For Blasey Ford To Mangle – IOTW Report

More Memories For Blasey Ford To Mangle

With all the accusations  and assertions of recovered memories of trauma from Christine Blasey Ford, it is nearly impossible to verify the any of the confusing details of her story. But building permits are irrefutable evidence.

A key claim by the befuddled Palo Alto psychology professor was the insistence that she and her husband added a second front door to their home in 2012 after therapy helped her recover memories of being assaulted. Only the actual records show that the second entrance was added in 2008 and that the 2012 construction was for an addition to the home for the Fords to rent out. More  

26 Comments on More Memories For Blasey Ford To Mangle

  1. I am starting to think that maybe an FBI investigation if it were done with integrity might just be a good thing. Too much of her story is just pure crap. She sure didn’t sound like a highly educated, sophisticated or courageous survivor to me. Wherever i hear that whiny voice from my kids or their friends a quick mom look will end it immediately. Even they know it’s a silly desperate move for sympathy that only works on the grandparents.

  2. What this appears to indicate is a troubled woman used and abused (and to eventually be discarded like all those before her) by a group of power-hungry politicos bent on winning “by any means necessary”.

    Or a truly evil woman in cahoots with said politicos; only time will tell which is the case.

    The constant in all of this is the power-hungry politicos. Only death – natural or unnatural – will end their quest to regain what the believe is their birthright.

  3. I’m sick of everyone(democrats) pandering to her self proclaimed fragility. She’s got more mental problems than your average person, yet her accusations “must be heard and believed.” 36 years and they want more time? This is insanity.

  4. What in hell is a 15-year-old girl doing at a party still wearing a wet bathing suit. She said she had been at the pool practicing her diving.

    Someone she said tried to rape her, but they couldn’t because she’s still wearing a one piece bathing suit.

    This damn Ford is nothing but a loony tune.

    God bless Brett Kavanaugh, I hope he gets a chance to get back at every single damn Democrat

  5. What in hell is a 15-year-old girl doing at a party still wearing a wet bathing suit. She said she had been at the pool practicing her diving.

    Someone she said tried to rape her, but they couldn’t because she’s still wearing a one piece bathing suit.

    This damn Ford is nothing but a loony tune.

    God bless Brett Cavanaugh, I hope he gets a chance to get back at every single damn Democrat

  6. She is a perfect example of the today’s Democrat faithful who spend their life living at the confluence of desperation and down’s syndrome

    She’s about as fucked up as a football bat

  7. The twisted mouth of the hyphen’s best friend, Cheryl Amitay, this morning on CNN, mangles the carefully crafted story into a NY Slimes Best Seller for lining the bird cage. I need to wash my eyes out…stupid CNN New Day Twitter. What’s Putin up too?

  8. There is a phenomenon known as “false memories.” Particularly after the passage of significant time, people may recall events which did not happen or happened much differently than what they remember. I have seen this happen on more than one occasion; I had a partner once recall leading an important meeting when he wasn’t even there, and have had family members claim certain things happened when I do not recall these things happening at all.

    False memories are the subject of many current studies. But one important factor is that in these cases, the participants believe they are being truthful; that what they recall is what happened. I think it entirely likely that Dr. Ford completely believes her testimony, although recent events show that her accusations against Judge Kavanaugh have no basis. Incidentally, studies are finding that false memories are not necessarily the sign of mental illness, and that most people may have them.

    The sick aspect of all of this is that the Democrats don’t care. Their call for an FBI investigation is purely a stall tactic, and their slogan that “survivors must be believed” is nothing more than a substitute for a complete lack of corroboration and evidence. The Republicans took a correct position; Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted sometime in the past, but Brett Kavanaugh did not do it. The Democrats really don’t care if Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted in the past so long as her story can be used as a basis for delaying the confirmation hearing. This is a power grab, and is actually consistent with the Democrat tendency to not give a rat’s ass about the victims or groups they pretend to want to help. Dr. Ford served her purpose, so she will be jettisoned and left to fend for herself from here on out. It’s a classical leftist tactic.

    Ford didn’t name Kavanaugh as her attacker until 2012 – 30 years after the incident. Unlike many who support Judge Kavanaugh, I think it more likely than not that Dr. Ford really believes Kavanaugh is her attacker, and that she did not intentionally lie. In fact, I believe Ford herself had some concerns about false memories, and that is why she wanted her letter to remain confidential. But to the scum that is the left wing of the Democrat party, all that matters it that Dr. Ford be available for use as a delay tactic, and that is why they – and not Dr. Ford – leaked the letter.

    I have no respect for Durbin, Hirono, Harris and the rest of the Democrat jackasses for their self-serving abuse of Blassy-Ford. If fact, if I could have less than zero respect for these assholes, I would.

    Rant done.

  9. I welcome any FBI investigation into Kavanaugh after he is seated.
    They can take 30 years investigating him.
    WHY TRUNCATE the investigation into 3 or 4 days.
    SEAT HIM NOW and investigate to your hearts content.

  10. Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge while drunk, and left a young woman to slowly drown. Years later he lead similar attacks claiming sex abuse by Clarence Thomas. Yet there was no objection about that drunken woman killer leading the smear job. The democrat party doesn’t change their personal destruction tactics

    The demonrats don’t care, and never have really cared, about how women are treated. They’re just crushed stones to them. Paving the road to more power.

    Nor do they care about the harm they’re doing to the Kavanaugh’s two young daughters. Despicable people.

  11. @Anonymous: Feinstein is an old time politician who knows how to look into the future, unlike some of her moronic colleagues like Harris, Hirono and Booker. I don’t think she leaked Ford’s letter, or authorized her staff to leak Ford’s letter although it is likely that someone on her staff did so anyway. Ford was used as a last ditch effort to delay the confirmation hearings and I think Feinstein was worried that this would not only fail, but adversely affect the Democrats in the mid-term elections.

    I think she will be proved right.


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