Post Rant Interview with Lindsey Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Post Rant Interview with Lindsey Kavanaugh

15 Comments on Post Rant Interview with Lindsey Kavanaugh

  1. What’s odd. For the better part of the past 2 decades, I’ve noted the ability of this political discourse to put good people, who would serve this country well, into hiding.

    I’m just now, after this dumpster fire, beginning to hear others voice the same concern. Kavanaugh and Graham both said it, and I’ve heard others recently mention it.

    I potentially am one that could do a lot of good publicly, but I was also a dumb kid. I never did anything sexually deviant, but I did get caught with weed and associated with the wrong people for a couple years. Why would I want to relive that as a judge of my character, it’s easier to sit on the sidelines and be anonymous.

  2. Miss Lindsey did a good thing. It doesn’t undo the fact he’s a self absorbed consummate jackass. And a corrupt parasite politician. Currently pontificating at SC hearing. Continuing to assclown himself. Someone please primary this solid POS.

  3. Old_Oaks, as usual, it all started with the Clintons projecting their “Politics of Personal Destruction” onto Republicans. Our political discourse and campaigns were nowhere near this bad until the dirt-digging Clintons came along. 1,000 stolen FBI files…they set the standard.

  4. Kill a few liberals and they’ll start mellowing out.

    They are already intentionally killing Republicans, conservatives, judges and journalists. Indoctrinate your children in the schools. They censor you on social media. Cut you off from using your bank. Deny tv ads during campaigns. Hound you out of restaurants. That’s just what you hear of. Odds are they’ve spit in your food a thousand times and you’ve never expected it.

    Once again, we’re in an undeclared war and only one side is fighting.

  5. McCain had incriminating knowledge that was held over Grahams head for years. Now that McCain is gone so is the incriminating knowledge and Graham is now free to do and say as he pleases.

  6. One “Atta Boy” doesn’t absolve years of Graham’s go along to get along politics. Yes it is great what Graham did yesterday at the hearing, yes it’s wonderful that Graham realizes what’s at stake with this SC nomination. As soon as Kavanaugh is confirmed it’ll all be forgotten as the next Kabuki theater, the mid-terms looms over the nation. I’m afraid at what we’re going to have to endure courtesy of our rabid friends the liberals leading up to November 6th.

  7. Hmm. Tried to call one of my fence sitting senators to request they vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, and also encourage other senators to also vote to vote for him too. His DC phone number has been constantly busy since 8 a.m. Finally settled on sending an email.

    The message included that – my disgust, and anger over the treatment of Judge Kavanaugh and his family, done by the democrats; Feinstein, Durbin, Leahy, Blumenthal, Hirono, and others. So closely echoed Sen. Graham’s statement yesterday. That to save us both time he could be sure my thoughts are the same as Graham’s stated yesterday. Which is quite unusual because I seldom agree with Graham’s action, and most often hope that S. Carolinians would vote him out of office.

  8. Blink said ” and most often hope that S. Carolinians would vote him out of office.”
    Well TBH, we tried last time Graham was up for re-election. Unfortunately there were too many candidates with varying degrees of support. and as they say here in S. Carolina, we just couldn’t get our ducks in a row. I voted for Senator Graham and appreciate his support for our military and continued support for Israel but that’s pretty much it.


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