You don’t have to live like a refugee, says Lindsay Lohan before she is slapped – IOTW Report

You don’t have to live like a refugee, says Lindsay Lohan before she is slapped


Speaking to her Instagram followers at the start of the video, posted on late Friday night or early Saturday morning, the troubled Mean Girls actress said she wanted to introduce her followers to a Syrian refugee family she had met in Moscow who “really need help”.

“You shouldn’t be sleeping on the floor, do you understand that? You’re a good little boy and this is not fair,” she said while crouching beside a woman, man, and three boys, who were sitting on a street under a blanket. It was not clear if they understood what she was saying.

Lohan, 32, then convinced them that she could put them up in a hotel for the night and beckoned them toward her car.

But when the woman refused to let the boys in the vehicle, she started walking away with the children.

“Look what’s happening, they’re trafficking children. You’re ruining Arabic culture by doing this,” Lohan said as she followed closely behind them.

“You’re taking these children, they want to go. I’m with you boys, don’t worry, the whole world is seeing this right now.

“I will walk forever, I will stay with you, don’t worry. Is he your son? Give me your hand.”

Lohan was eventually struck off camera by the woman and fell to the ground before bursting into tears.



31 Comments on You don’t have to live like a refugee, says Lindsay Lohan before she is slapped

  1. You’d think she’d learn, she repeatedly pulls these stunts for public consumption and gets humiliated again and again. Any other person with a hint of self respect would have crawled under a rock years ago.

  2. Sometimes stupid DOES hurt.

    Liberals are so full of themselves.

    This is another instance where one walks up and assumes several things and starts a conversation like you know what’s in the moron’s head already and agree with all that’s assumed.

    The WHA!?! . . WHAA!?! as she lay on the ground in complete shock that she was rejected, is exactly all about that.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    If only reality could slap them all at once. Oh wait, We have Trump. hahahahahaha!

  3. Did Ditzy plan on supporting them for the long term, or just tease them with a one-night luxury stay?
    Typical level of thinking preceding liberal action. Or “What a photo op this would be! A real career-jump!”
    Do SOMETHING, even if it’s retarded.
    Shoulda slapped harder.


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