‘Beto’ O’Rourke avoids debating Cruz again – IOTW Report

‘Beto’ O’Rourke avoids debating Cruz again

“Hmm… [O’Rourke] said he couldn’t do #TXSenateDebate tonight because he had more important plans,” tweeted Emily Miller, a spokeswoman for Cruz. “He’s currently doing Facebook live from an empty kitchen.”


DC: Democratic Rep. Robert O’Rourke turned down Republican Sen. Ted Cruz’s invitation to reinstate their previously scheduled debate on Sunday in order to attempt to film a campaign ad on Facebook Live.

Cruz and O’Rourke were scheduled to debate at the University of Houston on Sunday, but Cruz had to postpone the event on Friday due to the impending vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. However, after the Senate ordered an FBI investigation and the vote would no longer take place, Cruz’s team immediately circled back to O’Rourke asking for the debate to be back on.

O’Rourke’s declined the invitation saying that he had already re-booked during that time, which was only hours after Cruz’s initial request to postpone.

In a half hour Facebook Live stream, O’Rourke praised Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, advised constituents to vote in the upcoming midterm elections and then proceeded with four attempts to film a 30-second campaign ad. MORE

13 Comments on ‘Beto’ O’Rourke avoids debating Cruz again

  1. Both Beto + Yeb are 57 IQ mental defectives. Beto’s handlers (unlike Rove) understand this. they want him to never debate Ted; Ted will grind him up like ground round! Rove let Yeb debate Don several times; each time re-establishing how dumb Yeb is/was.

  2. I guess one could say he hit that first debate and ran from the second one.

    “He’s currently doing Facebook live from an empty kitchen.”

    Hey, Beteau…you’re suppose to get out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat.

  3. Why would he care? Being situated in his turf, I opine that his voter base is comprised of the morally and mentally deficient, who wouldn’t understand anything said anyway, unless it was “free shit for me for doing nothing”.

  4. I do believe I predicted Beto would not complete the three scheduled debates a week or two ago when I stated Beto will not enjoy having his ass handed to him in a handbasket. As a general rule idiots do not do well in debates. In the last debate Cruz had Beto’s butt for supper and had sack lunches left over for the next week.
    O’Rourke’s campaign is well funded from out of state sources such as California celebs and Sorus. He has flooded the media with TV ads, mailers, created a phone and text bank and even sent walkers out to knock on doors. I have never seen such an effort for a congress seat in my life.
    Another Texas race influenced by outside money is Representative Culberson vs Fletcher. Fletcher has Nasty Pelosi’s nod and money is pouring into to her greedy widdle hands. She also is doing a full court media press with mail outs and TV ads.
    It is my opinion that Texans will see through Beto and Fletcher and conservatives will prevail. Historically liberals do not go over well in Texas.
    It will be fairly close but I have to have faith that common sense will win out.

  5. If the Dems were really experiencing all the signs of a Blue Wave like they claim wouldn’t they want to be out there taking on Republicans. They claim everyone hates Trump, wants his policies stopped yet these individual candidates seem to be seeking as little exposure as possible even in blue CA.

  6. I used to work for the USPS delivering mail. I HATED election season. So many oversized, glossy ‘ads’ for a political critter that HAD TO be delivered the day we got them. I can’t tell you how many people were offended by getting so many ads from one candidate and complained about the TV coverage. Anecdotal, but hope ‘Beto’ overplayed . . .

  7. Up until a few days ago, I had not seen any political signs in my subdivision. Then, a Vote Beto sigh popped up. She is a teacher, naturally. The next day, eight of her neighbors surrounding her put up Ted Cruz signs. Her sister-in-law, who is a lawyer, lives across the street from me. Recently, I saw her in a bathing suit with a male “friend” trying to break into the vacant home next door to me. They had been drinking beer around her pool while their kids were swimming. How Democrat is that? By the way, Beto will lose!

  8. The only reason this is relevant is because “Beto” challenged Cruz to 6 DEBATES! 2 of them IN SPANISH!

    The one debate I saw parts of didn’t go well for “Bitcho”.

    But I’m sure that’s a fluke and B-man will do spectacularrrrrrrr in the next 5.


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