This time it’s Kamala Harris’s office desperately trying to derail the red wave in America.
Here’s the letter from the anonymous “victim.”
Dear, Senator Grassley, et al.
The current situation regarding the accusations made by Dr. Ford against Brett Kavanaugh have prompted me to write you today. I have moved on with my life since he forced himself on me as well. The times were so different, and I didn’t expect to be taken seriously, embarrass my family, be believed at all. I was at a party with a friend. I had been drinking. She left with another boy, leaving me to find my own way home. Kavanaugh and a friend offered me a ride home. I don’t know the other boy’s name. I was in his car to go home. His friend was behind me in the backseat. Kavanaugh kissed me forcefully. I told him I only wanted a ride home. Kavanaugh continued to grope me over my clothes, forcing his kisses on me and putting his hand under my sweater. ‘No,’ I yelled at him. The boy in the backseat reached around, putting his hand over my mouth and holding my arm to keep me in the car. I screamed into his hand. Kavanaugh continued his forcing himself on me. He pulled up my sweater and bra exposing my breasts, and reached into my panties, inserting his fingers into my vagina. My screams were silenced by the boy in the backseat covering my mouth and groping me as well. Kavanaugh slapped me and told me to be quiet and forced me to perform oral sex on him. He climaxed in my mouth. They forced me to go into the backseat and took turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off two blocks from my home. ‘No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl,’ he told me. Watching what has happened to Anita Hill and Dr. Ford has me petrified to come forward in person or even provide my name. A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me. Like Dr. Ford, I’m a teacher, I have an education, a family, a child, a home. I have credibility. Just because something happens a long time ago, because a rape victim doesn’t want to personally come forward, does not mean something can’t be true.
Jane Doe, Oceanside, California.
A group of white men!!!!! lololol.
Who wrote this, Kamala?
It’s amazing how Brett Kavanaugh had the prescience to only rape lefty women.
I am also a lifelong Democrat with an Uncle and brothers currently serving in Politics who have urged me to come forward. I give money and have supported Hillary in the past.
Please tell me these accusations will stick (against) to the wall I ‘ve thrown them against.
Several weeks later I recognized Brett Kavanaugh when he came to my house to deliver Boy Scout Cookies.
P.S. I do not remember the day, hour, city, nor house this occurred in, and the other girl has since passed away.
Is this a joke? If not, charges need to slapped on the liar from RI (for starters) as an example.
“A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me.”
Yes, followed by law enforcement and the rest of the country.
Also, nice Anita Hill name drop….. pity she can’t remember the names of any of Bill Clintons accusers.
I stopped at “I didnt know the other boy’s name.” How convenient. No one to corroborate the story. Also,it sounds like a poorly written pentbouse letter.
Yeah, she didn’t know the other boy’s name. And she couldn’t be bothered to ask around, right? What a bunch of bullshit.
Kamala slept her way to the middle.
The Democrats are taking a page out of the Hollywood playbook and offering up another (worthless) sequel. Kavanaugh V: The End Is Nowhere In Sight
When Gloria Allred won’t bite, who can you turn to? This sounds like a case for CREEPY PORN LAWYER!
Why do all these accusers use the term “boy”??
Not “guy” Fella” “kid” “male” etc etc.
Other accusser’s terminology and writing style is similar.
When hunting down old friends on the internet, I may not recognize their photo as they are 40-50 years older, but I can pinpoint them by their current day writing style.
One person is writing all these accusations.
Beyond absurdity.
The clowns keep coming.
Bring this circus to a vote.
Any republican or democrat not voting to confirm should be beaten in the November election or any election thereafter for shear stupidity.
The purpose of this is to fashion the Dem/Left/Media narrative once Kavanaugh is confirmed. They’re ready to go with something like – “The GOP’s confirmation of Kavanaugh sets a dangerous precedent and will have a chilling effect on all those who have been victims of sexual assault.”
They will ride that for a week and then move on the next hysteria.
Sometime in my teens, maybe late teens or early teens but I am sure it was somewhere in my teens…when I was 15 but I don’t remember if it was in the early or mid or late part of that decade but I know it was then that I went to a party somewhere with people, somewhere between three and six who all have said they weren’t there. While at this party somewhere and at sometime, I was assaulted by one of the people who said they weren’t there at the party that I don’t remember how I got to or how I left….from someone’s house somewhere at some time. I made a call, maybe…because this was before cell phones, from somewhere I don’t know about or don’t remember, to someone somewhere, possibly, who may or may not have answered and may or may not have picked me up from the party where I don’t know or remember where I was so I don’t know or don’t remember if or how I could have told them where I was, or where I may or may not have been…..sometime during my late teens in high school….or maybe in my early teens and I may have been in high school or maybe it was junior high school or maybe it was middle school.
The most important issue here is that I am telling the truth, the whole truth, so help me Soros.
Okay, this will be a little crass but if BK climaxed in her mouth then threw her in the back seat to start raping her he is more studly then me. At that age after climaxing it was nap time.
This is a field that is emerging very quickly, forensic linguistics.
You’re onto something with this.
And the real reason this letter is just coming in now is that the sender didn’t know where to buy stamps.
They need bigger trash cans since this started.
If a guy tried to force me to perform oral sex on him, he’d end up with a missing penis in a heart beat. I gave good strong teeth. I’d spit the missing penis out of my mouth with great pleasure. Women are not powerless. We’re capable of inflicting pain if necessary.
Also…Why didn’t she clamp down on his dick?
And they took turns raping her several times each? How long was she in the car?
Read the letter again, and imagine Blasey-Ford saying it.
This may be a version that Ford had as back up.
Maxine Waters cupped my junk. I think it was in Detroit or Baltimore. She needs to step down.
Kavanaugh committed perjury when he insisted he was playing basketball, FOOTBALL, LIFTING WEIGHTS, and not raping girls. The brute was secretly playing lacrosse for Duke, I don’t care what his calendar says.
@Kat Dog: I am in pain after reading your comments…..both from laughing and from the THOUGHT of being dismembered……OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! roflmao
McConnell needs to say enough already and have the vote. All a stall tactic and they need to step up and stand up for their candidate that now is on his 7th FBI background check. This isn’t going to stop as long as they get away with it and get the delays they want.
Kavanaugh testified he didn’t have a car.
forensic linguistics huh. I guess Hillary has to do something nowadays as she isn’t POTUS. It just makes me feel good to type that.
they were right. She told and I don’t believe her.
Probably one of Ford’s ‘beach friends’ piling on. Or possibly one of Bernie Sanders fantasy rape pieces.
Also, I grew up in the 80s too and times were not oh so different. The term ‘date rape’ was coined and the media, along with every talk show tried to convince us young girls that our dates were likely violent rapists, not strangers. So the time would have been actually perfect to make said accusation.
Oh, Come on the fantasy writers in Hollywood are better than this! They, after all, wrote Ford’s script which caused to Democrats to wet their panties!!
It seems weird to me she calls him by his last name only. That’s more of a guy thing to use Kavanaugh-instead of calling him Brett.
Saying “Kavanaugh” sounds like sport team reply-Brett is more personal like you actual know him.
Another crap work of fiction.
How much money are the demokraps paying for a rape story this week?? I could use a few dollars and have been known to be quite creative after a few drinks and a little help with the spelling. Who do I contact, the DNC?? Apparently no one is being charged with slander so what the hell, a short half of a page and the money will pour in. Postage would be less than a lottery ticket. Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching… only in America!
I think this was first printed in the Penthouse Forum in 1978
They’re resorted to scraping behind the toilets at fanfiction dot net. Good luck with that…
There are a lot of grammatical and punctuation errors in this letter supposedly written by an “educated” person who is a teacher.
@Perry has me thinking.
On a totally unrelated note- is it possible to start a ‘go fund me’ page and remain anonymous?
***and reached into my panties, inserting his fingers into my vagina***
Uh, no…..not possible if she is sitting rigidly upright in a car.
I know (as most people do) that ain’t happening….I’ve tried.
Is there any female who went to high school east of the Mississippi in the early 1980s who was not gang raped by Brett Kavanaugh? This would seem to shorten the time needed to investigate the judge.
On the plus side of all of this, the mantra that “the victim must be believed” is being proven false. In Kavanaugh’s case, Blasey-Ford is either lying or crazy or a crazy liar, but there are at least two or possibly three other loons who are just plain lying. This works out to a 66.6% to 75% (not including Blasey-Ford) false accusation rate. Keep in mind that we are not arguing about whether or not Kavanaugh’s supposed actions are rape or harassment; we are investigating whether or not these actions happened at all.
The left has worked hard to create a culture of fear with their #metoo movement, only to begin destroying it themselves by their zeal to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh. And most of us are uncomfortable not only with the made up allegations against Kavanaugh, but with indiscretions that happened 20, 30 or more years ago in a different time, with different social attitudes, and when many of us were young and stupid. Pretty soon we will be investigating whether or not potential Justice Johnny should be disqualified for playing doctor with current stripper Suzie in 1st grade. But that’s how the left rolls – evil and stupid.
I can just imagine all these pussy hat-wearing idiots binge-watching “Law & Order: SVU” trying to find the perfect plot-line to use in their anonymous letters.
What a fucking joke this is.
Raping several times after a BJ? There goes the credibility.
In all my life I never had a boy scout cookie.
You deplorable, fascist, misogynist, nazi, racists can deny the truth, right in front of your own lying eyes, as hard as you want. But when well mannered Brett Kavanaugh steps into a phone booth, and puts on his big framed, smart girl glasses, he does, in fact (in truthy fact) become Rape-O-Claws! Who traverses the country in his flying (well, at least airborne) Olds Delmont. In a single night, thanks to the time warping (well, at least confusing) powers of his, otherwise anonymous, sidekick, Sloppy Seconds. It could be your own daughters! Your own sisters! Any feminist (of any wave) who dreams rape fantasies. Well, as long as there’s a phone booth, nearby. Oh, and leaded gas, for the Delmont. You know, maybe that’s why Rape-O-Claws has been so inactive, lately?
“Jane Doe” scans too many bodice-ripping romance novels for the good stuff while in the grocery check-out line.
Tawana Brawley, please pick up the white courtesy phone, Tawana Brawley, Paging Tawana Brawley….. the Democrats finally found the man who attacked you….
News Flash–>!!!
Jane Doe is not her name!
Problem blamed on computer glitch!
Defective spell checker!
Her real name is Jane Dough (nicknamed ‘gimmee’)
Boy Scout cookies were paired with the “Brewery Badge.” They were used to fund camping trips to places like Columbia/Bethesda, MD. near the National Boy Scout Center located in a small home near the Safeway, if I remember right.
Actually I mean no disrespect for BSA.
@cato October 1, 2018 at 4:00 pm
> Any republican or democrat not voting to confirm should be beaten in the November election or any election thereafter for shear stupidity.
Well, the feelz are the same. But a fine American like Andrew Jackson would beat them in the chamber.
Breaking news!!! Anonymous source said Brett threw up on his bib when he was 2 months old.
Don’t forget to thank a teacher.
*Batman Voice*
“No one will believe you if you tell. Be a good girl.”
Like w t f.
Who ghost wrote this? Feminist terror scenarios 101?
No one speaks that way, and if a girl was gang raped, by multiple boys, she PROBABLY would have a TON of physical evidence. Why didn’t she, or her parents, or friends, take her to the hospital following the gruesome assault?
What a load of shit.
Her letter brings back fond memories of all those wonderfully descriptive narrations submitted to various nudie magazines, almost exclusively beginning with the sentence, “You’re not going to believe this, but…”