One of these guys is not like the other… – IOTW Report

One of these guys is not like the other…

18 Comments on One of these guys is not like the other…

  1. When all said and done and Kavanaugh is SCOTUS Trump needs to invite all the dems on that committee to the WH for a beer summit (just to mess with the piss ants). Then award him with the Purple Heart, after what he has gone thru he deserves it!

  2. You could also put up the progressive dem Jared Polis in CO. He changed his last name after having an altercation with a female employee in her 40s (he was in his 20s) where he manhandled her, pushed her into a filing cabinet and prevented her from calling 911 over property he said she stole. Media is doing everything possible not to report.

  3. Other than the obvious, I bet if you put Beto’s photo in a police lineup, whackado Swetnick would swear he’s Kavanaugh.

    That she remarked she remembered him because he had such an unusual face was a side splitter.

  4. Was it someone on this site that called him “Beatoff O’Rourke”? Love it! I have a lefty friend that sends me pro-Beto memes. I always reply, referring to him by his real nicknane “Masterbeto”

  5. One is controlled by the deep state and one can’t be controlled by the deep state.

    Only blackmail-able people can be controlled.

    That should help people settle on Kavanaugh. Good guys can’t be manipulated through their misdeeds, but guilty people can.

  6. @MJA – Was hangin’ with Christy Ford back then, and she told me he was a, how should I put this, kind’a of butt, burglar type. He was at the Keggar, how she remembers, yea, that’s it. How she forgets that scuba skin flock she was wearing is beyond us all,,,


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