Trump Discusses Ford – IOTW Report

Trump Discusses Ford

The media is spinning this as “mocking Ford.”

What is he mocking? He just recited the bulk of her testimony. If you believe this is “mocking” her then you’re admitting she had weak sauce.

“How dare Trump make fun of the fact that her testimony is complete shite!” – The Left, and Some Weak Sisters on the Right

13 Comments on Trump Discusses Ford

  1. Trump hammered all sorts of people really needing it.
    Ruthless on Da Nang Blumenthal, Feinstein and others.
    Played nice with Bernie Sanders, but cynically pointed out BS has never raised what Hillary and DNC did to his campaign.

  2. but GWB had those cute names for everyone (giggle) with his smarmy smile (wink wink)

    Trump is thousands of times better. Wish i could vote for him 4 or 5 times a day.

  3. Mocking

    Mocking profffffessor Two Door isn’t too hard. She’s a soft target. And so what if she’s mocked? Sue your handlers, beach. They did it to you. By the way girl, your eyes were glazed like donuts when you were on TV, How high were you? One beer? OK.

    Saturday Night Live of the early days would have had a field day with her.
    So much material, no copyrights, free.

    Gloves off time. Mock, attack, take the left’s playbook and use it, to the power of ten.

  4. He needs to start hitting all the toss up states until the mid-terms. He should also do a couple in enemy territory just to show the Left for what they are. Go to California, just to stick it to Harris and Feinstein.

    I would say, come to Portland, OR, but it would be one non-stop riot. He could at least threaten to come and see what Mayor Ted Wheeler would say.

    I think an appearance with Kayne, Diamond and Silk might be in order.

  5. I saw that earlier and laughed, I knew he would be attacked for it, but that’s what I love about Trump, he doesn’t give a shit. Sorry batshit Ford but you brought this on yourself, the truth hurts sometimes.

  6. It was indeed mocking her.
    I don’t mind it so much but he must understand how this shit will play out.
    MSM will have a cow.
    Fence sitting pussyhat RINO’s will faint with all the hand-wringing.

    Trump needs to keep his powder dry until Kavanaugh is confirmed.
    I believe he made a mistake and jumped the gun.
    We’ve seen this movie too many times.

    Someone needs to remind DJT of McCain giving the Obamacare repeal the thumbs down.

  7. President Trump reminds me of the character Tony Soprano. Saw a quick clip on youtube, of Tony “taking care of” one of his guys who got out of line. Didn’t kill him, just had the FBI send him back to corrections for holding a truck of hot TV’s. His nephew said that was a nice way to handle it. Tony said, I am not running a popularity contest. President Trump tells the truth, he does not run a popularity contest.


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